- I. Introduction
- II. Input file
- III. Configuration file
- IV. Angular tables file
- V. Output file
- VI. Specular reflection
match - a program to simulate low-energy ion scatteringLast update: August 19, 2003
I. Introduction
I.1. The physics
In program match a slab of arbitrary size and thickness, consisting of a surface layer of atoms and a number of underlying layers, can be defined. The surface may contain one or more surface unit cells. Periodic boundary conditions are assumed in lateral directions. Thermal vibrations are included by assuming displacements from equilibrium positions of the atoms in the x, y and z directions. In this way, frozen lattices can be obtained either by choosing displacements at random, assuming non-correlated Gaussian thermal displacement distributions, or by taking snapshots from molecular dynamics calculations.In the calculations only collisions with an impact parameter smaller than 2.0 angstrom are considered. The interactions between projectile and target atoms are calculated within the binary-collision approximation using the universal potential with an adjusted screening length. Only in the exceptional case where a particle interacts with two atoms which are within 0.1 angstrom at the same distance the collisions are considered to be simultaneous. This means that each of the collisions is treated as if it is occurring alone, and the scattering angle is calculated as the vector sum of the two individual deflections.
In addition to the kinematic loss, the impact parameter dependent electronic energy loss is taken into account. The binding energy of the target atom is neglected, since this binding energy is much smaller than the total energy transfer in the collision. To reduce the computing time, the kinematics and electronic energy loss of the considered collision are taken from a look-up table.
The program consists of three separate subprograms. In subprogram incom the slab is bombarded with ions starting from random positions in a plane above the surface. The ions interact with the atoms in the slab and are allowed to create recoils. To take into account secondary recoil events, also these recoils are followed. For all scattering particles the position with respect to the surface unit cell, the velocity vector and the energy are saved as soon as the particle passes the equilibrium possition of an atom in the slab within a distance of typically 0.4-0.9 angstrom.
In subprogram outgo trajectories of all detected particles (beam ions as well as recoils from the slab) are calculated in reversed time. The particles are emitted at random positions from a plane above the surface with a direction corresponding to the detector opening and with a chosen energy. To calculate a complete spectrum, a large energy range is divided into discrete energy bins with a width of about 100 eV. The medium energy of the bin is chosen as the initial energy of particle. After each collision the energy loss calculated from the kinematics of the collision and the electronic energy loss are added to the energy of the particle. When the particle passes the equilibrium position of one of the atoms in the slab at a short distance, the position, velocity vector and energy of the particle are saved as in the case of the incoming particles.
In subprogram domatch all possible combinations of incoming and outgoing trajectories for all scattering and recoiling events are matched. The matching criteria that have to be fulfilled are the following:
- The difference between the energies of projectile and scattered or
recoiled particle has to correspond to the kinematics of the collision.
The tolerance is determined by the chosen width of the energy bins,
the kinematic factor of the collision, and the energy loss between
this collision and the detector.
- The incoming and outgoing trajectories cross each other within 0.05 angstrom. As a matter of fact, the trajectories should intersect. This means that matching can be accomplished by shifting both incoming and outgoing trajectory (i.e. all atoms at wich incoming and outgoing particles have been scattered) by half the distance between the two trajectories. This approach is assumed to be valid as long as the shift is appreciably smaller than the thermal vibration amplitude of the atoms.
- The probability of having the atom at the proper position that would have
caused the scattering/recoiling event. This probability is calculated from
the thermal vibration distributions. The position of the atom considered
for the scattering/recoiling event is derived from the intersection point
of the incoming and the outgoing trajectories, and the impact parameter
correponding to the scattering/recoiling angle.
- The differential scattering or recoiling cross-section of the collision.
The time saving step in match is the fact that all matching trajectories contribute to the yield. In a full calculation of the trajectory from source to detecor, it is highly improbable that, in the frozen lattice used, the atom involved in the main collision is present at precisely the proper position. In match, however, it is assumed that the atom is always at the required position to cause an event, irrespective of its actual position in the frozen lattice. The yield is then weighed with the previously mentioned probability. Because in this way the simulations are speeded up by two to three orders of magnitude as compared to the full 3-dimensional trajectory calculation, it is now possible to fit many surface structures to the experimental results by trial and error.
See: M.H. Langelaar, M. Breeman, A.V. Mijiritskii and D.O. Boerma Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Res. B132 (1997) 578-584
I.2. Software package match
Software package match consists of the programs match, incom, outgo and domatch, and the auxilliary programs showscan, sumscan, calcleis, makelattice, maketable, showtable, table2asc, table2bin, spec, showspec and makesurface. All source files are located in directory /usr/local/src/match. All executables are located in directory /usr/local/bin. An html-version of this manual is found in directory /usr/local/html, and a PostScript version in /usr/local/doc.I.3. Program match
Program match is the master program which alternatingly creates input for and starts the programs incom, outgo and domatch. The program is made from the source file domatch/match.c and the header files domatch/match.h and common/matchdefs.h. The program calls graphics functions of library libxgraph.a (in directory /usr/local/lib) and uses the associated header file xdefs.h (in directory /usr/local/include).The following input files are required:
- Input file
This ASCII file contains global information that is partly passed to the programs incom, outgo and domatch. Some input parameters, like scattering angle and energy of the outgoing particle, are conveniently calculated with program calcleis. The file must be specified on the command line. - Configuration file
This ASCII file contains information about the slab size, lattice structure, constituing elements, atom positions, and thermal lattice vibrations. The file may be created with program makelattice. The file must be specified on the command line. - Angular tables file
These tables contain values for different scattering and recoiling angles, scattering cross-sections, and electronic energy loss. The tables are created with program maketable. The tables can be viewed with program showtable. Watch for irregularities in the colour patterns as they may indicate computational errors ! Note that the angular tables contain unformatted information. Use programs table2asc and table2bin to port the tables to other computer systems.
- Output file
This ASCII file contains the calculated detector yield. There is a separate file for each energy bin. They may be viewed with program showscan. The results for the lowest energy bin can be displayed while match is running. - <stout>
Error messages are printed to standard output.
- incom
Create input for program incom, start this program and check the status every 5 seconds. The output files have the extention .<sym1>.<sym2>. In the scattering case <sym1> is the incoming projectile, whereas in the recoiling case <sym1> is either the incoming projectile or a recoiled target atom; in all cases <sym2> is one of the target atoms. Next, for each element to be detected and for each energy bin: - outgo
Create input for program outgo, start this program and check the status every 5 seconds. The output files have the extention .<sym1>.<sym2>. In the scattering case <sym1> is the scattered projectile and <sym2> is a target atom, whereas in the recoiling case both <sym1> and <sym2> are recoiled target atoms. For each combination of incom and outgo output files: - domatch
Create input for program domatch, start this program and check the status every 5 seconds. Update the detector yield. Update the display window if outputmode is TRUE. Note that only the results for the last detected element and the lowest energy bin are displayed while the program is running.
I.4. Program incom
The program is made from the source files incom/incom.c, incom/incom_angtab.c, incom/incom_emit.c, incom/incom_init.c, incom/incom_io.c, incom/incom_lattice.c, incom/incom_scatter.c, common/ctime.c, common/ranvec.c and common/sort.c, and the header files incom/incom.h and common/matchdefs.h. The configuration file, the input file and the output file must be specified on the command line.Program incom reads the input that is passed by program match. The input file has the following structure:
LEIS-ELEMENT Ar # primary projectile MASS 39.98 #SURF_ELEMENTS 2 # number of elements in the slab HOEKTABEL_1 tabs/ArFe95.ang # name of the angular tables file and MAXIMPACT_1 0.6 # the maximum impact parameter; there HOEKTABEL_2 tabs/ArN80.ang # is a table for each combination of MAXIMPACT_2 0.4 # projectile and slab element, and for HOEKTABEL_3 tabs/FeFe90.ang # each combination of two slab elements MAXIMPACT_3 0.7 HOEKTABEL_4 tabs/FeN80.ang MAXIMPACT_4 0.4 HOEKTABEL_5 tabs/NFe80.ang MAXIMPACT_5 0.6 HOEKTABEL_6 tabs/NN98.ang MAXIMPACT_6 0.4 MIN_ENERGY_0 2.30 # minimum energy till which element i MIN_ENERGY_1 2.30 # is followed in the calculation MIN_ENERGY_2 2.30 START_ENERGY 5.00 # energy of the projectile INCOMING_ANGLE 168.0 # incoming angle OUTGOING_ANGLE 136.0 # outgoing angle TILT 0.0 # tilt angle AZIMUTH -74 # azimuthal slab orientation #FROZ.LAT 100 # number of frozen lattices DOSE_PER_FROZ. 100 # dose per frozen lattice OUTPUT_MODE 1 # 0 = no messages, no graphicsThe following auxilliary tables are created:
- layertab[Natoms]
index of each layer in the slab; 0 = surface layer - surftab[Natoms]
index of each surface atom - lattice[Natoms]
actual position (in angstrom) of each atom in the slab - equilat[Natoms]
equilibrium position (in angstrom) of each atom in the slab - Nneighbour[Natoms]
number of neighbours of each atom in the slab - neighbour[Natoms][MAXNEIGHBOUR]
indices of the neighbours of each atom in the slab - maximpact[MAXANGTAB]
maximum tabulated impact parameter in each angular table - ELSTOP[MAXANGTAB][maxs][maxe]
electronic energy loss as a function of the impact parameter and the energy of the incoming atom, for each angular table - KTAB[MAXANGTAB][maxs][maxe]
- ANGTAB[MAXANGTAB][maxs][maxe]
the kinematic factor used to calculate the outgoing energy from the incoming energy and the impact parameter, and the scattering angle in laboratory system, for each angular table; the following formula are used:ksi = (pi-ph)/2 Er/E = [ 4mu/(1+mu)**2 ]*cos(ksi)**2 Es/E = 1 - Er/E tg(th) = sin(ph) / [ 1/mu + cos(ph) ] see: D.O. Boerma Lecture Notes on Atomic Collisions (1995), formula (2.11), (2.14) and (2.22)
The outline of program incom is as follows:
- Create a frozen lattice by adding random displacements to the
equilibrium lattice positions.
- Construct a sorted neighbour list for each of the atoms in the slab.
- Emit a primary projectile into the incoming direction,
at a random position on the slab and at a height of 2.2 angstrom
above the surface.
- Store all relevant information in local variables, which will be put
on the stack on a recursive call of the scattering function.
- Select the next scattering partner from either surftab
(first time) or the neighbour list of the current scattering partner.
Calculate energy, position and velocity vector of the primary projectile
after the scattering event, and store the information in a trajectory structure.
- Calculate energy, positon and velocity vector for the recoiling atom,
and restart the simulation at point 4.
- Restart the simulation at point 3 while the number of emitted projectiles
is less than the dose specified in the input file.
- Restart the simulation at point 1 while the number of frozen lattices is smaller than the value specified in the input file.
The simulation is terminated if one of the following conditions is fulfilled:
- The energy of the projectile has dropped below the minimum energy
specified in the input file.
- The primary atom has moved to a depth below the bottom of the slab.
- The primary atom is scattered away from the slab, to a height of 2.0 angstrom above the surface.
I.5. Program outgo
The program is made from the source files outgo/outgo.c, outgo/outgo_angtab.c, outgo/outgo_emit.c, outgo/outgo_init.c, outgo/outgo_io.c, outgo/outgo_lattice.c, outgo/outgo_scatter.c, common/ctime.c, common/ranvec.c and common/sort.c, and the header files outgo/outgo.h and common/matchdefs.h. The configuration file, the input file and the output file must be specified on the command line.Program outgo reads the input that is passed by program match. The input file has the following structure:
DETEC-ELEMENT N # outgoing particle DETEC-ELEMENTNO 2 MASS 14.00 #SURF_ELEMENTS 2 # number of elements in the slab HOEKTABEL_4 tabs/NFe80.ang # name of the angular tables file and MAXIMPACT_4 0.6 # the maximum impact parameter; there HOEKTABEL_5 tabs/NN98.ang # is a table for each combination of MAXIMPACT_5 0.4 # outgoing particle and slab element MAX_ENERGY 2.30 # maximum energy of outgoing particle DET_ENERGY 1.40 # current energy bin INCOMING_ANGLE 168.0 # incoming angle OUTGOING_ANGLE 136.0 # outgoing angle TILT 0.0 # tilt angle AZIMUTH -74 # azimuthal slab orientation #FROZ.LAT 100 # number of frozen lattices DOSE_PER_FROZ. 100 # dose per frozen lattice OUTPUT_MODE 1 # 0 = no messages, no graphicsThe following auxilliary tables are created (see Incom for an explanation of the tables):
- layertab[Natoms]
- surftab[Natoms]
- lattice[Natoms]
- equilat[Natoms]
- Nneighbour[Natoms]
- neighbour[Natoms][MAXNEIGHBOUR]
- maximpact[MAXANGTAB]
- ELSTOP[MAXANGTAB][maxs][maxe]
- KTAB[MAXANGTAB][maxs][maxe]
- ANGTAB[MAXANGTAB][maxs][maxe]
The outline of program incom is as follows:
- Create a frozen lattice by adding random displacements to the equilibrium
lattice positions.
- Construct a sorted neighbour list for each of the atoms in the slab.
- Emit a primary projectile in a rondom direction within a cone with opening
(half) angle of 0.25 degrees about the incoming direction, at a random
position on the slab, and at a height of 2.2 angstrom above the surface.
- Select the next scattering partner from either surftab
(first time) or the neighbour list of the current scattering partner.
Calculate energy, position and velocity vector of the primary projectile
after the scattering event, and store the information in a trajectory structure.
- Restart the simulation at point 3 while the number of emitted projectiles
is less than the dose specified in the input file.
- Restart the simulation at point 1 while the number of frozen lattices is smaller than the value specified in the input file.
The simulation is terminated if one of the following conditions is fulfilled:
- The energy of the projectile is more than the maximum energy specified
in the input file.
- The primary atom has moved to a depth below the bottom of the slab.
- The primary atom is scattered away from the slab, to a height of 2.0 angstrom above the surface.
I.6. Program domatch
The program is made from the source files domatch/domatch.c, domatch/domatch_calc.c, domatch/domatch_init.c, domatch/domatch_io.c and common/ctime.c, and the header files domatch/domatch.h and common/matchdefs.h. The input file and the output file must be specified on the command line.Program domatch reads the input that is passed by program match. The input file has the following structure:
INCOMFILE dum/incom.output.N.N # location of output from INCOM OUTGOFILE dum/outgo.output.N.N # location of output from OUTGO FSTMATCHLAYER 1 # first and last slab layer used LASTMATCHLAYER 4 # in the calculation MU 0.350175 # mass ratio of target and incoming atom MAIN_SCAT_NO 2 # index of detected element (scattering) # or scattering element(recoil) SCAT_RECOIL 1 # 0 = scattering, 1 = recoiling DIST_TOL 0.050000 # distance tolerance in angstrom E_TOL 0.035714 # relative energy tolerance ANGTAB tabs/NN98.ang # location of angtab file CONFIGFILE FeN100.cfg # location of config file OUTPUT_MODE 1 # 0 = no messages, no graphics SIZEX 3.795000 # slab size in angstrom SIZEY 3.795000 5 1.897500 1.897500 1.897500 2.000000 0.120000 0.120000 0.120000 3 1.897500 1.897500 5.692500 2.000000 0.120000 0.120000 0.120000 1 1.897500 1.897500 9.487500 2.000000 0.120000 0.120000 0.150000 ^ <------------------------> <------> <------------------------> | atom position MAIN_SCAT_NO vibration amplitude | (in angstrom) (in lattice units) number of layerThe calculated detector yield per layer is written to the output file and passed to program match. If parameter outputmode is TRUE, warning and error messages as well as the detector yield are printed to stout.
The following auxilliary tables are created:
- atomtab[MAXATOMS]
maps each atom in the slab on the equivalent atom within the unit cell; the index is set to -1 if the element differs from the one for which the yield is currently calculated - impartab[maxangle*2][maxe]
impact parameter and cross-section in the laboratory system, as a function of the scattering angle in the laboratory system and the energy of the incoming atom - recimpartab[maxangle][maxe]
impact parameter and cross-section in the laboratory system, as a function of the recoiling angle in the laboratory system and the energy of the incoming atom - Ktab[MAXK]
- Ktab2[MAXK]
kinematic factors used to calculate the outgoing energy from the incoming energy and the scattering/recoiling angle in the laboratory system; the following formula are used:Es/Ep = [ cos(th) +- sqrt( mu**2 - sin(th)**2 ) ]**2 / [ 1+mu ]**2 for mu >= 1 only the + sign holds for mu < 1 and th < asin(mu) both + sign and - sign should be considered Er/Ep = [ 4mu/(1+mu)**2 ]*cos(ksi)**2 see: D.O. Boerma Lecture Notes on Atomic Collisions (1995), formula (2.16), (2.18) and (2.22)
data for the + sign are stored in Ktab, those for the - sign in Ktab2
Next, each outgoing trajectory is compared with each of the incoming trajectories. The two are matched provided the following conditions are fulfilled:
- The outgoing particle is of the element for which the yield is
currently calculated.
- The incoming particle is of the element for which the yield is
currently calculated.
- The scattering centres for incoming and outgoing particles both map
on the same atom in the unit cell.
- The scattering angle is smaller than pi if mu > 1,
or smaller than
mu) if mu < 1. - The recoiling angle is smaller than pi/2.
- The outgoing energy calculated from the energy of the incoming trajectory, the scattering angle and the kinematic factor doesn't deviate from the energy of the outgoing trajectory by more than the energy tolerance.
- The distance between incoming and outgoing trajectories is calculated;
the matching procedure is terminated if the distance exceeds the
distance tolerance, else the two trajectories are shifted over half the
distance to make them intersect.
- The intersection point is calculated; the matching procedure is terminated
if the intersection point is more than 0.3 angstrom outside the layer
corresponding to the incoming trajectory, or if the intersection point is
more than 1.0 angstrom away from the equilibrium position of the scattering
atom corresponding to the outgoing trajectory.
- The impact parameter b for the scattering/recoiling event is
obtained from table impartab or recimpartab.
- The actual location of the scattering centre is calculated using
the property that in a central-force field the motion of a particle is
symmetrical about the point of closest approach to the force centre:
scattering . . . . R...........Q . . . . ksi . . ksi . . phi . incoming .....................A...........P.... | . ksi | . b| . | . phi = pi-2ksi ..............B b = Rm sin(ksi) . = Rm cos(phi/2) . . . S . recoiling A position of incoming atom at closest approach B position of target atom at closest approach b impact parameter |A->B| distance Rm of closest approach A intersection of incoming and outgoing trajectories A->P (unity) velocity vector of incoming atom A->Q (unity) velocity vector of scattering atom B->S (unity) velocity vector of recoiling atom
Since |A->P| = |A->Q| = 1, we haveangle(AQP)
= ksi, and thus Q->P // R->A and R->Q // A->P. Therefore, both Vin-Vout(scattering) = R->A and Vout(recoil) = B->S point into the direction of the vector A->B. The distance between A and B is equal to Rm = b/cos(alpha/2) in the scattering case, and Rm/sin(alpha) in the recoiling case, where alpha is the angle between incoming and outgoing trajectories.see: Jerry B. Marion Classical Dynamics, figure 11-9 (Academic Press, 1965) D.O. Boerma Lecture Notes on Atomic Collisions, figure 3.3
- The probability P of finding the scattering atom at the
actual location of the scattering centre is calculated from the
vibration amplitudes, assuming a gaussian probability distribution
- The scattering/recoiling cross-section sigma of the
scattering/recoiling event is obtained from table crosstab or
- Finally, the detector yield is incremented by an amount equal to the product of probability P and cross-section sigma.
II. Input file
II.1. Structure of the file
The input file has the default extension .dat and may be created with any text editor. The structure of this ASCII file is shown in the following example:** PARTICLES CONFIG_FILE FeN100.cgf # name of configuration file PROJECTIEL Ar # name of element 0 (projectile) MASS 39.98 # mass of element 0 #ELEMENTEN 2 # number of elements in the slab ELEMENT_1 Fe # name of element 1 MASS_1 56.94 # mass of element 1 ELEMENT_2 N # name of element 2 MASS_2 14.00 # mass of element 2 #DETECELEM 1 # number of detected elements DETECTIENO_0 0 # index of the detected element HOEKTABEL_0_1 ArFe95.ang # name of the angular tables file and MAXIMPACT_0_1 0.6 # the maximum impact parameter; there HOEKTABEL_0_2 ArN80.ang # is a table for each combination of MAXIMPACT_0_2 0.4 # projectile and slab element, and for HOEKTABEL_1_1 FeFe90.ang # each combination of two slab elements MAXIMPACT_1_1 0.7 HOEKTABEL_1_2 FeN80.ang MAXIMPACT_1_2 0.4 HOEKTABEL_2_1 NFe80.ang MAXIMPACT_2_1 0.6 HOEKTABEL_2_2 NN98.ang MAXIMPACT_2_2 0.4 ** ENERGIES PRIM_ENERGY 5.00 # energy of the projectile MINE_PROJ_0 2.30 # mimimum energy till which element i MINE_PROJ_1 2.30 # is followed in the calculation MINE_PROJ_2 2.30 MINE_DETECT_0 2.40 # lower and upper energy windows, MAXE_DETECT_0 3.60 # and maximum outgoing energy, for MAXE_BACKW_0 3.70 # detected element i ** GEOMETRY INCOMING_ANGLE 168.0 # incoming angle OUTGOING_ANGLE 136.0 # outgoing angle TILT 0.0 # tilt angle AZIMUTH 0.0 # azimuthal slab orientation SCANTYPE 1 # 0 = polar, 1 = azimuthal FIRST_ANGLE -90.0 # begin of scan LAST_ANGLE 90.0 # end of scan INCR_ANGLE 2.0 # angular step #FROZEN_LATT 100 # number of frozen lattices DOSE_PER_FROZ 100 # dose per frozen lattice ** MATCHING FSTMATCHLAYER 1 # first and last slab layer used LASTMATCHLAYER 4 # in the calculation DIST_TOL 0.05 # tolerance in distance E_TOL 0.10 # tolerance in energy ** FILES INCOM_DIR /usr/local/bin/ # location of program incom OUTGO_DIR /usr/local/bin/ # location of program outgo DOMATCH_DIR /usr/local/bin/ # location of program domatch ANGTAB_DIR tabs/ # location of angtab files INPUT_INCOM dum/incom.in # names of input and output files OUTPUT_INCOM dum/incom.out # of programs incom, outgo and INPUT_OUTGO dum/outgo.in # domatch OUTPUT_OUTGO dum/outgo.out INPUT_DOMATCH dum/domatch.in OUTPUT_DOMATCH dum/domatch.out ** VERBOSE OUTPUT_MODE 1 # 0 = no messages, no graphicsIf match is not run on an X-terminal, outputmode is always set FALSE by the program.
II.2. Program calcleis
The program is made from the source files tabs/calcleis.c and common/unipot.c. The program calls graphics functions of library libxgraph.a (in directory /usr/local/lib) and uses the associated header file xdefs.h (in directory /usr/local/include). The program calculates several LEIS parameters like detection angle, impact parameter, cross-section, energy and time-of-flight for scattering and recoiling processes. Execution of the program is controlled from a graphics user interface. The results may conveniently be used to make the input file of match. Program calcleis reads the following data from the input file:nele # number of listed elements sym[1] m[1] z[1] # element symbol, mass (in amu) ... # and atomic number sym[nele] m[nele] z[nele] ndet # number of listed detectors name[1] path[1] ang[1] # name, distance from target (in m) ... # and angle (in degree) name[ndet] path[ndet] ang[ndet] path0 # distance (in m) between beam chopper # and targetThe maximum number of items in the list is 20. The strings sym and name may not contain any white space. If the input file is not specified on the command line, the file name is assumed to be calcleis.dat and the file is assumed to be located in the same directory as the program itself. The structure of the file is checked.
- Input parameters
The following input parameters can be set in the left part of the graphics menu:Projectile # pop-up menu Target # pop-up menu Energy (in keV) # edit line Detection angle (in degree) # edit line Impact parameter (in angstrom) # edit line Detector # pop-up menu Screening correction # edit line
- Actions
The following actions may be selected by clicking on the proper button in the right part of the graphics menu:- Angle
The scattering and recoiling angles in the laboratory system are calculated for the specified combination of elements, energy and impact parameter. The scattering angle phi in the centre-of-mass system is found by calculating the scattering integral:phi = pi-2*b*Int[ f(r)dr ] 1/f(r) = r*r*sqrt( 1 - (b/r)**2 - V(r)/E )
where b is the impact parameter,V(
r) is the interatomic potential, and E is the energy of the incoming particle in the centre-of-mass-system. The scattering angle theta and the recoiling angle ksi in the laboratory system follow from:tg(theta) = mu*sin(phi) / [ 1 + mu*cos(phi) ] cos(ksi) = sin(phi/2) mu = m2/m1 m1 mass of the incoming atom (in amu) m2 mass of the target atom (in amu)
Note that scattering is not possible if mu = 1 and phi = pi, because the incoming atom comes to a full stop and never will reach the detector.See: D.O. Boerma Lecture Notes on Atomic Collisions (1995), formula (2.11), (2.14) and (3.13)
- Impact parameter
The impact parameters for scattering and recoiling processes are calculated for the specified combination of elements, energy and detection angle. The following formula are used to calculate the scattering angle phi in the centre-of-mass system from the specified detection angles theta and ksi, respectively:
mu*cos(phi) = -sin(theta)**2 +- cos(theta)*sqrt[ mu**2 - sin(theta)**2 ] for mu >= 1 only the + sign holds for mu < 1 both + sign and - sign should be considered cos(phi/2) = sin(ksi)
Once phi is known, the impact parameter b is obtained by solving the equationCMSangle(b) = phi
by successive approximation. Scattering is assumed only to be possible for an impact parameter in te range from 0.001 to 2.0 angstrom.See: D.O. Boerma Lecture Notes on Atomic Collisions (1995), formula (2.14) and (2.17)
- Cross-section
The scattering and recoiling cross-sections in the laboratory system are calculated for the specified combination of elements, energy and detection angle. First the scattering angle phi in the centre-of-mass system is calculated from the specified detection angles theta and ksi, respectively (see Impact parameter). Then the cross-sections are obtained from the formula:sigma(phi) = [ b/sin(phi) ]*| db/dphi | sigma(theta) = F(phi,mu)*sigma(phi) sigma(ksi) = G(phi)*sigma(phi) F(phi,mu) = | [ 1 + 2*cos(phi)/mu + 1/mu**2 ]* mu/[ mu + cos(phi) ] | G(phi) = 4*sin(phi/2) mu = m2/m1 m1 mass of the incoming atom (in amu) m2 mass of the target atom (in amu)
Note thatsigma(
theta) has a singularity forcos(
phi) = -mu.See: D.O. Boerma Lecture Notes on Atomic Collisions (1995), formula (3.23), (3.34) and (3.35)
- Energy
The energies of scattering and recoiling atoms are calculated for the specified combination of elements, energy and detection angle. The energy ene is calculated from the specified detection angles theta and ksi, respectively, using the formula:
sqrt( ene/E ) = [ cos(theta) +- sqrt( mu**2 - sin(theta)**2 ] / [ 1 + mu ] for mu >= 1 only the + sign holds for mu < 1 both + sign and - sign should be considered sqrt( ene/E ) = 2*sqrt(mu)*cos(ksi) / [ 1 + mu ]
where E is the specified energy of the incoming atom. Note that scattering or recoiling is not possible if the energy is too small, because the atom never will reach the detector.See: D.O. Boerma Lecture Notes on Atomic Collisions (1995), formula (2.18) and (2.22)
- Time_of_flight
The flight time of incoming, scattering and recoiling atoms are calculated for the specified combination of elements, energy and detection angle. First the energy ene is calculated from the specified detection angles theta and ksi, respectively (see Energy). Then the propagation time t is obtained from:t = path / velocity = path*sqrt( 0.5*mass/ene )
Multiply bysqrt(1.6605655e-27/1.6021892e-16)
to change from kg/J to amu/keV, and multiply by 1.0e+9 to change from s to ns.
- Angle
III. Configuration file
III.1. Structure of the file
The configuration file has the default extension .cfg and may be created with program makelattice. The structure of this ASCII file is shown in the following example:ORIENTATION FeN(100) LATT_CONSTANT 3.795 # lattice constant in angstrom #ELEMENTS 2 # number of elements in slab Fe 56.94 # first element and mass N 14.00 # second element and mass 4 4 4 # atom rows on the slab 2 2 4 # unit cells on the slab 2.000000 2.000000 # slab size / lattice constant 40 # number of atoms in the slab 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1 0.120000 0.120000 0.120000 4 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1 0.120000 0.120000 0.120000 4 0.500000 0.500000 0.000000 1 0.120000 0.120000 0.120000 4 1.500000 0.500000 0.000000 1 0.120000 0.120000 0.120000 4 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 1 0.120000 0.120000 0.120000 4 1.000000 1.000000 0.000000 1 0.120000 0.120000 0.120000 4 0.500000 1.500000 0.000000 1 0.120000 0.120000 0.120000 4 1.500000 1.500000 0.000000 1 0.120000 0.120000 0.120000 4 1.500000 0.500000 0.500000 2 0.120000 0.120000 0.120000 3 ............................. ................. ......... ............................. ................. ......... 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1 0.120000 0.120000 0.120000 2 0.500000 0.500000 1.500000 2 0.120000 0.120000 0.150000 1 1.500000 0.000000 1.500000 1 0.120000 0.120000 0.150000 1 1.000000 0.500000 1.500000 1 0.120000 0.120000 0.150000 1 1.500000 1.000000 1.500000 1 0.120000 0.120000 0.150000 1 1.000000 1.500000 1.500000 1 0.120000 0.120000 0.150000 1 0.500000 0.000000 1.500000 1 0.120000 0.120000 0.150000 1 0.000000 1.500000 1.500000 1 0.120000 0.120000 0.150000 1 1.500000 0.500000 1.500000 2 0.120000 0.120000 0.150000 1 0.500000 1.500000 1.500000 2 0.120000 0.120000 0.150000 1 0.500000 1.000000 1.500000 1 0.120000 0.120000 0.150000 1 1.500000 1.500000 1.500000 2 0.120000 0.120000 0.150000 1 0.000000 0.500000 1.500000 1 0.120000 0.120000 0.150000 1 <------------------------> ^ <------------------------> ^ atom position | vibration amplitude | element layer 0=vacancyThe number of atom rows and unit cells on the slab are counted along the x, y and z coordinates of the unit cell defined in makelattice, which is not necessarily the same as the crystallographic unit cell. Also the slab size is measured along the x and y coordinate of the unit cell. Obviously, the number of rows in any direction must be an integer multiple of the number of unit cells in that same direction. The z coordinate is special because in match each layer is treated individually and represents a separate unit cell.
Individual layers are counted beginning with 1, the first layer having the largest z coordinate. Individual elements in the slab are also counted beginning with 1. Element number 0 is reserved for the vacancy.
III.2. Program makelattice
The program is made from the source file tabs/makelattice.c. The input file must be specified on the command line.- Input parameters
The program reads the following data (this example creates the configuration file shown in the previous section):STRUCTURE sc # lattice structure ORIENTATION (100) # slab orientation LATT_CONSTANT 3.795 # lattice constant in angstrom #SUBLATTICES 5 # number of sublattices ROWS_ON_SLAB 2 2 2 # unit cells on the slab ROWS_PER_CELL 2 2 2 # atom rows per unit cell SUBLATTICE_0 Fe 56.94 0.0 0.0 0.0 # element symbol, element mass, # and shift of the sublattice SUBLATTICE_1 Fe 56.94 0.5 0.5 0.0 SUBLATTICE_2 Fe 56.94 0.5 0.0 0.5 SUBLATTICE_3 Fe 56.94 0.0 0.5 0.5 SUBLATTICE_4 N 14.00 0.5 0.5 0.5 THVIB_LAYER_0 0.12 0.12 0.15 # vibration amplitudes THVIB_LAYER_1 0.12 0.12 0.12 THVIB_LAYER_2 0.12 0.12 0.12 THVIB_LAYER_3 0.12 0.12 0.12 OUTFILE FeN100.cfg # name of the output file
The structure of the input file is checked. The input parameters must fulfil the following constraints:structure fcc, bcc, hcp, sc (= simple cubic) orientation (100), (110), (111), (0001) for hcp only 0001 is allowed, for others structures (0001) is not allowed maximum number of sublattices 10 maximum number of rows 10 rows on the slab integer multiple of the number of rows per unit cell mass any value from 1.0 till 300.0 shift any value from 0.0 till 1.0 vibration amplitude any value from 0.0 till 1.0
- Unit cell
The unit cells used in the program are described by the following vectors (the latter are defined in the crystallographical unit cell):x y z ========================================================= fcc(100) (1/2,1/2,0 ) (-1/2,1/2,0 ) (0, 0, 1/2) fcc(110) (1/2,0 ,1/2) (0 ,1 ,0 ) (-1/4,0 ,1/4) fcc(111) (1/2,1/2,0 ) (-1/4,1/4,1/2) (1/3,-1/3,1/3) bcc(100) (1 ,0 ,0 ) (0 ,1 ,0 ) (0 ,0 ,1/2) bcc(110) (1 ,0 ,0 ) (0 ,1/2,1/2) (0 ,-1/2,1/2) bcc(111) (1 ,1 ,0 ) (-1/2,1/2,1 ) (1/6,-1/6,1/6) hcp(0001) sc(100) (1 ,0 ,0 ) (0 ,1 ,0 ) (0 ,0 ,1 ) sc(110) (1 ,0 ,0 ) (0 ,1 ,1 ) (0 ,-1/2,1/2) sc(111) (1 ,1 ,0 ) (-1/2,1/2,1 ) (1/3,-1/3,1/3)
- Atom positions
The atom positions with respect to the previously described unit cell are calculated for each individual sublattice, properly shifted and tagged with the element index. Then the rows are sorted according to the x, y and z coordinate, respectively, and the slab is truncated if the number of rows exceeds the slab size specified in the input file. The result is written to the named output file.
IV. Angular tables file
IV.1. Structure of the file
The angular tables file has the default extension .ang and is created with program maketable. The (unformatted) file contains the following arrays:- float angtab[maxs][maxe]
scattering angle phi in the centre-of-mass system as a function of the impact parameter b and the energy Ep of the incoming atom - float elstop[maxs][maxe]
electronic energy loss QsE as a function of the impact parameter b and the energy Ep of the incoming atom - float revangtab[maxs][maxe]
scattering angle phi in the centre-of-mass system as a function of the impact parameter b and the energy Es of the scattered atom - float revelstop[maxs][maxe]
electronic energy loss QsE as a function of the impact parameter b and the energy Es of the scattered atom - float bth[maxangle*2][maxe]
impact parameter b as a function of the scattering angle theta in the laboratory system and the energy Ep of the incoming atom - float sig[maxangle*2][maxe]
scattering cross-section sigma in the laboratory system as a function of the scattering angle theta in the laboratory system and the energy Ep of the incoming atom - float bthrec[maxangle][maxe]
impact parameter b as a function of the recoiling angle ksi in the laboratory system and the energy Ep of the incoming atom - float sigrec[maxangle][maxe]
recoiling cross-section sigma in the laboratory system as a function of the recoiling angle ksi in the laboratory system and the energy Ep of the incoming atom
Use program showtable to view the angular tables.
Use program table2asc to convert the unformatted file fname.ang to the formatted file fname.ang.asc.
Use program table2bin to convert the formatted file fname.ang.asc to the unformatted file fname.ang.
IV.2. Program maketable
The program is made from the source files tabs/maketable.c, common/polyfit.c and common/unipot.c, and the header file common/matchdefs.h. The input file must be specified on the command line.- Input parameters
The program reads the following data:m1 mass of the incoming atom (in amu) Z1 atomic number of the incoming atom m2 mass of the target atom (in amu) Z2 atomic number of the target atom fcorr screening length reduction factor outfile name of the output file
The structure of the input file is checked. - Universal potential
The interatomic potentialV(
r) as a function of the interatomic distance r is:V(r) = c[0]*SUM[ c[i]*exp( a[i]*r ) ] / r, i = 1..4 a[0] = [ 0.88534*a0*fcorr ] / [ Z1**0.23 + Z2**0.23 ] a[1] = -3.2/a[0] a[2] = -0.9423/a[0] a[3] = -0.4029/a[0] a[4] = -0.2016/a[0] c[0] = [ Z1*Z2*Q*1.0e-3 ] / [ 4*pi*eps0*1.0e-10 ] c[1] = 0.1818 c[2] = 0.5099 c[3] = 0.2802 c[4] = 0.02817
where a0 = 0.52917706 angstrom is the Bohr radius, Q = 1.6021892e-19 C is the electronic charge, and eps0 = 8.85418782e-12 F/m is the permittivity of the vacuum. The factor 1.0e-3 accounts for the conversion from eV to keV, and the factor 1.0e-10 accounts for the conversion from m to angstrom.See: D.J. O'Connor and J.P. Biersack Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Res. B15 91986) 14-19
- Angtab
The scattering angle phi in the centre-of-mass system is found by calculating the scattering integral:phi = pi - 2*b*Int[ f(r)dr ] 1/f(r) = r*r*sqrt( 1 - (b/r)**2 - V(r)/E )
Here b is the impact parameter,V(
r) is the interatomic potential, and E is the energy of the incoming atom in the centre-of-mass system. The integral runs from rm till infinity, where rm is the distance of closest approach.See: D.O. Boerma Lecture Notes on Atomic Collisions (1995), formula (3.12) and (3.13)
The value of rm is obtained by using Newton's method to solve the equation1 - (b/rm)**2 - V(rm)/E = 0
The variable x =sqrt(1-(
rm/r)) is substituted for the integration variable r, and the integral is evaluated using Gaussian quadrature with 10 nodes. The integration interval is split in two sub-intervals x = [0,0.5] and x = [0.5,1].See: Numerical Recipes in C (Cambridge University Press, 1992), sect. 4.5
- Elstop
The electronic energy loss is calculated using the impact parameter dependency introduced by Oen and Robinson:Q(s,E) = C*LSS(E)*exp( -0.3*rm(s,E)/a12 )
where s is the impact parameter, E is the energy of the incoming atom in the laboratory system,LSS(
E) is the electronic stopping power according to the LSS-theory, rm is the distance of closest approach, and a12 is the screening length according to the Moliere theory (in this program replaced by the reduced screening length a[0]; see Universal potential).See: O.S. Oen and M.T. Robinson Nucl. Instr. and Meth 132 (1976) 647-653
The normalization constant C follows from the condition that the electronic stopping power should be equal to the LSS-value, and the assumption that rm = b (only valid ifV(
r) << E):LSS(E) = 2*pi*Int[ Q(s,E)sds ] -> C = 0.045 / [ pi*a12*a12 ]
The LSS-stopping power (in eV*m**2) is:LSS(E) = [ 8.8e-25*ksi*Z1*Z2*v0 ] / [ Z1**(2/3) + Z2**(2/3) ]**3/2 ksi = Z**(1/6) Z1 atomic number of the incoming atom Z2 atomic number of the target atom v0 velocity of the incoming atom in the laboratory system (in m/s)
E/m1) for v0, multiply bysqrt(1000
Q/amu), where Q = 1.6021892e-19 C is the electronic charge and amu = 1.6605655e-27 kg, to account for the conversion from J/kg to keV/amu, multiply by (1.0e+10)**2 to account for the change from m to angstrom, and multiply by 1.0-3 to account for the conversion from eV to keV.See: J. Lindhard, M. Scharff and H.E. Schiott Mat. Fys. Medd. Dan. Vid. Selsk. 33, no.14 (1963) 1-42, formula (2.10) D.O. Boerma Lecture Notes on Atomic Collisions (1995), formula (6.34)
- RevAngtab
- RevElstop
The scattering angle phi and the recoiling angle ksi in the centre-of-mass system are related by the expression:phi = pi - 2*ksi
The energy Er of the recoiling atom is:Er = Ep*[ 4*mu/(1+mu)**2 ]*cos(ksi)**2 mu = m2/m1 m1 mass of the incoming atom (in amu) m2 mass of the target atom (in amu) Ep energy of the incoming atom in the centre-of-mass system Er energy of the recoiling atom in the centre-of-mass system
For each value of b and Es, the scattering angle phi is obtained in the following iterative way. First the energy of the incoming particle is assumed to be x, and phi and QsE are obtained by linear interpolation from Angtab and Elstop, respectively. Once phi is known, ksi and Er can be calculated. If Ep-Er differs from Es, a better approximation of x is chosen and a new iteration is started.See: D.O. Boerma Lecture Notes on Atomic Collisions (1995), formula (2.14) and (2.22)
- Bth
- Sig
The following formula are used:mu*cos(phi) = -sin(theta)**2 +- cos(theta)*sqrt( mu**2 - sin(theta)**2 ) dphi/dtheta = [ mu + 2*cos(phi) + (1/mu) ] / [ mu + cos(phi) ] sigma(phi) = [ b/sin(phi) ]*| db/dphi | sigma(theta) = sigma(phi)*[ sin(phi)/sin(theta) ]*| dphi/dtheta | = [ b/sin(theta) ]*| db/dphi |*| dphi/dtheta | mu = m2/m1 m1 mass of the incoming atom (in amu) m2 mass of the target atom (in amu) phi scattering angle in the centre-of-mass system theta scattering angle in the laboratory system See: D.O. Boerma Lecture Notes on Atomic Collisions (1995), formula (2.15), (2.17), (3.23) and (3.33)
The scattering angle phi is obtained by interpolation from Angtab. For this purpose, a polynomialpoly(
b) is least-squares fitted tolog(
phi) as a function of the impact parameter b, for a fixed value of Ep:log(phi) = SUM[ coeff[i]*b**i ], i = 0..7
Thus:db/dphi = [ db/dlog(phi) ]*[ dlog(phi)/dphi ] = [ db/dlog(phi) ] / phi = 1 / [ phi*dlog(phi)/db ] = 1 / [ phi*dpoly()/db ]
For each value of theta and Ep, the scatering angle phi, the derivatives dphi/dtheta and db/dphi, and the cross-section sigma(theta) are calculated. Finally, the impact parameter b is obtained by using Newton's method to solve the equationpoly(b) = log(phi)
- BthRec
- SigRec
The following formula are used:phi = pi - 2*ksi sigma(ksi) = 4*sin(phi/2)*sigma(phi) sigma(phi) = [ b/sin(phi) ]*| db/dphi | db/dphi = 1 / [ phi*dpoly()/db ] phi scattering angle in the centre-of-mass system ksi recoiling angle in the laboratory system
For each value of ksi and Ep, the scattering angle phi is calculated. Then the impact parameter b is obtained by using Newton's method to solve the equationpoly(b) = log(phi)
Finally, the derivative db/dphi, and the cross-sections
phi) andsigma(
ksi) are calculated.See: D.O. Boerma Lecture Notes on Atomic Collisions (1995), formula (2.14), (3.23) and (3.25)
IV.3. Program showtable
The program is made from the source file tabs/showtable.c and the header file common/matchdefs.h. The program calls graphics functions of library libxgraph.a (in directory /usr/local/lib) and uses the associated header file xdefs.h (in directory /usr/local/include). The program displays the angular tables of the files named on the command line (wild cards allowed). The table sizes are assumed to be as specified in the header file common/matchdefs.h. The structure of the angular table file is checked. Program showtable must run on an X-terminal.The minimum and maximum values in each table are printed to standard output. Click mouse or press any key to toggle the next graph. An irregularity in the colour pattern may indicate that the tabulated value is wrong.
IV.4. Program table2asc
The program is made from the source file tabs/table2asc.c and the header file common/matchdefs.h. The program reads the files named on the command line (wild cards allowed). The input files are assumed to be unformatted, and the table sizes are assumed to be as specified in the header file common/matchdefs.h. The structure of the input file is checked.Each file is rewritten in formatted form. An extension .asc is added to the original file name. Existing files will be overwritten without notice.
IV.5. Program table2bin
The program is made from the source file tabs/table2bin.c and the header file common/matchdefs.h. The program reads the files named on the command line (wild cards allowed). Do not specify the extension .asc of the input file as it will be added to the command line parameter by the program. The input files are assumed to be formatted, and the table sizes are assumed to be as specified in the header file common/matchdefs.h. The structure of the input file is checked.Each file is rewritten in unformatted form. The name of the output file is the same as the command line parameter. Existing files will be overwritten without notice.
V. Output file
V.1. Structure of the file
The output files of match are named <outfile>_<energy>.<sym>. If the name <outfile> is not specified on the command line, it defaults to match.out. The extention <energy> is the current energy bin in keV, and <sym> is the chemical symbol of the detected particle. The structure of this ASCII file shown in the following example:<ncol> <ang[1]> <yield[1]> <yield[2]> ............. <yield[ncol-1]> <totyield> <ang[1]> <yield[1]> <yield[2]> ............. <yield[ncol-1]> <totyield> ....................................................................... ....................................................................... <---------------><---------------> element 1 element 2 ................Each line represents the scattering yield for a particular azimuthal/polar angle. The first column gives the angle, the last column the total yield, and the other columns the yield for individual elements and layers in the slab.
V.2. Program showscan
The program is made from the source file tabs/showscan.c and the header file common/matchdefs.h. The program calls graphics functions of library libxgraph.a (in directory /usr/local/lib) and uses the associated header file xdefs.h (in directory /usr/local/include). The program displays data in the files named on the command line (wild cards allowed). The colour scale displayed at the bottom of each graph corresponds with the order of the columns in the input file. Click mouse or press any key to toggle the next graph.If showscan is not run on an X-terminal, a histogram of <totyield> is printed to stout. Enter RETURN to toggle the next plot.
Note that program match creates several output files, each corresponding with a partical energy bin in the energy spectrum of the detected particle. Only the lowest energy bin is displayed while match is running.
V.3. Program sumscan
The program is made from the source file tabs/sumscan.c and the header file common/matchdefs.h. The program sums the detector yield over all angles and prints the result to stout, for all files named on the command line (wild cards allowed). The files are created by program match (see Showscan for the structure of the file).VI. Specular reflection
VI.1. Program spec
The program is made from the source files spec/spec.c, spec/spec_angtab.c, spec/spec_emit.c, spec/spec_init.c, spec/spec_io.c, spec/spec_lattice.c, spec/spec_scatter.c, common/ctime.c, common/ranvec.c and common/sort.c, and the header files spec/spec.h and common/matchdefs.h. The configuration file, the input file and the output file must be specified on the command line.Program spec is designed to simulate specular reflection of low-energy ions from a flat surface and is derived from incom, with the following modifications:
- If a lattice site in the surface layer is empty, neighbours of this site
are added to the list of surface atoms, provided the neighbour is not
already a member of this list and the neighbour is located in the second
layer of the slab.
- Recoil atoms are not followed.
- At each scattering event the total number of projectiles, the number of scattering events in the current scattering sequence and the current trajectory structure are written to file <outfile>.<sym>, where <outfile> is the name specified on the command line and <sym> is the element symbol of the projectile.
- The energy has dropped below the minimum value specified in the input file.
- The primary atom has moved to a depth below the bottom of the slab.
- The primary atom is scattered away from the slab, to a height of 2.0 angstrom above the surface.
VI.2. Program showspec
The program is made from the source files spec/showspec.c, and the header files spec/showspec.h and common/matchdefs.h. The program calls graphics functions of library libxgraph.a (in directory /usr/local/lib) and uses the associated header file xdefs.h (in directory /usr/local/include). The command line must contain the names of the input file used by spec, and one or more output files (wild cards allowed) containing trajectory structures calculated with this input file.In the left graph showspec displays the detector yield in false colours according to the scale displayed at the bottom of the graph. Three concentric circles mark detector opening (half) angles of 1, 2 and 3 degrees, respectively. The upper-right graph shows the energy distribution of the outgoing particles, and the lower-right one shows the distribution of the number of scattering events per sequence. Click mouse or press any key to toggle the next graph.
If showspec is not run on an X-terminal, a rough plot of the detector yield is printed to stout. Enter RETURN to toggle the next plot.
VI.3. Program makesurface
The program is made from the source files spec/makesurface.c and common/ranvec.c, and the header file common/matchdefs.h. The input file, which must be specified on the command line, has the following structure:PERCENTAGE <number> # percentage vacancies to be added CONFIG_FILE FeFCC.cfg # original configuration file OUTPUT_FILE dum/FeFCC_<N>%vac.cfg # modified configuration fileProgram makesurface reads the configuration file named in the input file, adds <number> percent vacancies at random locations in the surface layer of the slab to simulate a rough surface, and writes the modified configuration to the named output file.