- Introduction
- AUGer
- BELl
- Cal
- CLose
- Group
- HP
- Lab
- LABMaster
- MEMory
- Mouse
- Open
- RESDas
- REWind
- ROUTing
- SAVer
- Spec
- SYStem
- Timer
- TRap
- VERBose
- Xport
online help for program CONTROL, used in the DAS data aquisition systemsLast update: November 3, 2001
ABOUT The data acquisition program CONTROL is written in Microsoft-C version 7.0. It is (almost) fully compatible with the CIO interface, allowing among others the use of alternate input (see LGO, LOAD, RUN and CALL), program flow (see DO, IF, REPEAT and WHILE), and the online creation of variables (see CHAR, INT, FLOAT, DOUBLE and VAR). Execution of preset-time and cyclic measurements are built-in options. Type HELP TIMER and HELP TRAP for more information. CONTROL works standard in graphics mode. At the top of the screen there is a menu bar with a maximum of 20 buttons. The remainder of the screen may be exclusively assigned for text (text mode: 27 rows of text) or shared by spectrum display and text (display mode: 6 rows of text). Display is controlled by issuing a command at the prompt, by pressing a hotkey, or by a mouse click on one of the menu buttons. CONTROL will automatically switch to a screen saving mode. Type HELP SAVER for more information. The shape of the mouse cursor indicates whether it is positioned on a spectrum window (vertical line), or on the menu bar (arrow) or a menu button (swiss cross). When the cursor changes to an hour-glass, CONTROL is reading a command from keyboard. The mouse cursor is hidden while it is on the text window or on a spectrum window that is being displayed. Help on the menu button is displayed in a popup window at a right mouse click on the button. Type HELP KEY for more information. Command flow in CONTROL proceeds as follows: -------- | main | -------- -----------<----------- | | | /--------------\ yes /--------------\ no ---------------- --->--| buffer empty ? |-->--| keyboard hit ? |-->--| polling loop | | \--------------/ \--------------/ ---------------- | | no | yes | ---------------- ---------------- | | read command |---<---| get new line | | | from buffer | ---------------- | ---------------- | | | ------------------- ---<--| execute command | ------------------- Note that a CIO script is stored in a single buffer and that the entire script is executed before the polling loop is called again. During this time display is not updated, keyboard is not read, mouse is not active, and timer and trap handler flags are not acknowledged. Therefore, do not use the trap handler to build wait loops inside a CIO script. For general information see the CIO documentation:CIO command language
CIO help
CIO program flow
ADC <number> <dvar> LABMaster ADC <number> <preset> [<spec>] Sample ADC line <number> and store result (in millivolt) in variable <dvar>. Variable <dvar> must be of type double (see DOUBLE). If <dvar> does not exist, variable adcval of type double is automatically created. As subcommand of LABMaster, (de)activate ADC line <number>. After a preset time interval every active ADC line (0..7) is sampled. The result in mV either replaces or is added to the contents of the next channel of the associated spectrum <spec> (see NUL). The time interval is equal to the product of <preset>=(0..65535) and the unit of time (see parameters <timestep> and <deadtime> of CLK). If <preset>=0, the line is deactivated and parameter <spec> must be omitted. The sweep number is incremented and the channel number is reset to zero at the end of the spectrum. The channel number is also reset at the end of each full DAC sweep (see DAC). The maximum number of sweeps may be defined at any moment (see parameter <sweep> of SWP). To stop the measurement at the end of a sweep, reduce <sweep> to some small non-zero value. The full range of the ADC is from -10 volt to +10 volt. Command LABM ADC is ignored when SIN is on.
AUGer <option> ... Call various Auger utilities. Possible options are: <symbol> Lst DIF <src_spec> <dst_spec> <smooth> SCN SEL [ALL|<symbol> ...] ANA If a valid chemical symbol is entered, the corresponding Auger lines are either plotted (display on) or listed (display off). If LST is specified, all elements are listed that have an Auger line at the current position of mrk0. Main Auger lines are tagged in the list. Option DIF differentiates <src_spec> using smooth factor <smooth>. Result is stored in <dst_spec>. Source and destination must be different. Option SCN searches the differentiated Auger spectrum for statistically significant lines. If the line is a main line, the corresponding element is listed. If the line is not a main Auger line and the associated main line is outside the energy range of the spectrum, the element is also listed but the chemical symbol is followed by a question mark. Specify SEL to (de)select elements that will be used in a quantitative analysis (see option ANA). Chemical symbols may be preceded by an optional sign: Cu and +Cu select element copper, -Cu deselects element copper, and keywords ALL, +ALL and -ALL remove all previously selected elements from the list. SEL without further parameters prints the current list of selected elements. Option ANA calculates the relative contributions of the elements selected by SEL. The summed intensity is normalized to 100%.
BELl <option> ... Posssible options are: <command> Init Flux <dvar> Temp <dvar> LST Abbreviations are allowed; required letters are written in upper case. For example: 'bell init' may be shortened to 'bel i'. If option starts with '*' or ':', it is assumed to be a Bell command and the command is sent to the gauss meter. Commands that contain white space must be quoted. Combine a command that does not start with '*' or ':' with another command that does; use ';' as separator between commands. INIT will search all COM ports and, on success, initialize the meter. FLUX starts a flux measurement and stores the result in variable <dvar>. Variable <dvar> must be of type double (see DOUBLE). If <dvar> does not exist, variable belval of type double is automatically created (see FLUX). TEMP starts a temperature measurement and stores the result in variable <dvar>. Variable <dvar> must be of type double (see DOUBLE). If <dvar> does not exist, variable belval of type double is automatically created (see FLUX). LST prints info about the Bell gauss meter. Options <command>, FLUX and TEMP are ignored if the meter is not connected.
LABMaster CAL <number> <dig1> <dig2> <ana1> <ana2> SET Cal [Auto] <option> [<cal0> <cal1>] Subcommand of either LABMaster or SET. As subcommand of LABMaster, calibrate DAC <number>. The full digital range is from <dig1>=0 to <dig2>=4095 while the full analogue range is from <ana1>=0 volt to <ana2>=+10 volt for each DAC. Of coarse, the analogue output values may be specified in more practical units. Calibration according to <dig>=<cal0>+<cal1>*<ana>. Command LABM CAL is ignored when SIN is on. As subcommand of SET, define calibration of the x-axis. Possible options are: Channel trivial calibration: <cal0>=0 and <cal1>=1 Energy calibration in units of eV Frequency calibration in units of Mrad/s Time calibration in units of ns Velocity calibration in units of mm/s Gauss calibration in units of gauss Abbreviations are allowed; required letters are written in upper case. For example: 'set cal time 1.0 3.4' may be shortened to 'set c t 1.0 3.4' If keyword AUTO is specified, the values <cal0> and <cal1> are linked to the left and right marker positions. This makes it possible to specify a calibration line that not necessarily coincides with the origin. Calibration according to <x_value>=<cal0>+<cal1>*<channel>. The calibration constant <cal1> must be <>0.
LABMaster CLK <number> <preset> <timestep> <deadtime> Connect internal clock if <number>=0 or external clock if <number>=1. Specify <timestep> and <deadtime> in seconds for internal clock, and in number of pulses for external clock. At the end of the preset time interval the measurement is stopped. If <preset>=0, this interval is supposed to be infinit. The time interval for each particular device is equal to the product of <timestep> and the value of <preset>=(0..65535) for that device. If <deadtime><>0, the clock operates with a load (=deadtime) and hold (=timestep) cycle. The clock is disarmed while executing the interrupt handler. The clock output can be used to gate a scaler line. Provided <deadtime> is large enough, the dwell time is exactly equal to <timestep>. If <deadtime>=0, the clock is not disarmed while executing the interrupt handler and the elapsed real time is exactly equal to <timestep> times the number of interrupts. Use commands SIN, HLT and CON to start or stop Labmaster. However, Labmaster is not started when <timestep>=0. Command LABM CLK is ignored when SIN is on.
CLose <file_type> Close file and the associated logical unit. Possible file types are: DSP data file DAT export file LOG log file PRO program file DMP dump file Type HELP OPEN for more information.
CLS Reset video mode and mouse. Clear terminal screen.
CON Resume data acquisition after HLT has been issued. The timer is not reset.
DAC <number> <value> LABMaster DAC <number> <preset> [<begin> <end> <step>] Set output of DAC <number> to <value> volt. As subcommand of LABMaster, (de)activate DAC line <number>. After a preset time interval the output of every active DAC line (0..1) is incremented by <step> from <begin> to <end>; specify these analogue values in accordance with the calibration (see CAL). By issuing the command, the DAC output is reset to <begin>. The calibration must be defined. The time interval is equal to the product of <preset>=(0..65535) and the unit of time (see parameters <timestep> and <deadtime> of CLK). If <preset>=0, the line is deactivated and parameters <begin>, <end> and <step> must be omitted. The channel numbers of the spectra associated with active ADC and SCA lines are reset to zero at the end of each DAC sweep. The maximum number of sweeps may be defined at any moment (see parameter <sweep> of SWP). To stop the measurement at the end of a sweep, reduce <sweep> to some small non-zero value. If <sweep>=0, the measurement is stopped after the first step. The full range is from 0 volt to +10 volt for each DAC. Command LABM DAC is ignored when SIN is on.
SET DAS [<address>] <option> ... Possible options are: ADC pulse-height analysis mode MCS multichannel scaling mode PACON PAC mode on PACOFF PAC mode off BITON hardware/software routing on BITOFF hardware/software routing off Set the attributes of the data acquisition system with IEEE address=<address>. The value of <address> is automatically set if one DAS is talking. If more than one DAS is talking, the user is requested to select <address> from the list of talking DAS. If no DAS is talking, <address> is defaulted to zero. The address of the selected DAS is displayed on the menu bar. If PACOFF is specified, spectrum offsets in DAS memory are multiples of 4k and the number of spectra is limited to 16. If PACON is specified, PAC routing is assumed to be used. The number of spectra in DAS memory may be as large as 256. PAC spectra form one contiguous data space. The combination PACON and MCS is illegal. Type HELP MEMORY or HELP ROUTING for more information. Command SET DAS is ignored when SIN is on.
DIS <fspec> <nspec> [<option> ... ] DIS [<option> ... ] Possible options are: SCL <ymin> <ymax> OFF <offset> LIN LOG SAF Static display of <nspec> spectra beginning with <fspec>. The value of <offset> determines which part of DAS memory is mapped on the <ndas> spectra that are defined in PC memory. Non-zero values of <offset> are displayed in the spectrum text window. Type HELP MEMORY for more information about <offset>. The vertical scale runs from <ymin> to <ymax>. Keywords LIN and LOG select linear and logarithmic display, respectively. Previous display is not erased if keyword SAF is given. CONTROL allocates <nspec> spectrum windows.
SET EXT <option> Some extended features. Possible options are: IEEE <control> <DAS> <timeout> [<tim>] reset system controller if <control>='yes' reset selected DAS if <DAS>='yes' change timeout to <tim> ms if <timeout>='yes' this option is ignored while SIN is on IRQ <irq> set interrupt line used by Labmaster motherboard this option is ignored when Labmaster not installed IN <port> get one byte from specified port OUT <port> <value> put one byte to specified port VIDEO <mode> <bkg> [<bkgcolor>]... <txt> [<txtcolor>]... <light> if <mode>='yes' change video mode from '16 colors VGA' to 'black and white', and vice versa change background color to <bkgcolor> until <bkg>='no' change text color to <txtcolor> until <txt>='no' make text color bright if <light>='yes' note that command CLS resets mode and colors to the default values
FFT <src_spec> <dst_spec> <first> <last> <weight> Calculate fast Fourier transform of <src_spec> over specified region, result in <dst_spec>. The (real) weigh factor <weight> must be [0..9]. A value of 4 is recommended by Tilman Butz. The source spectrum is mirrored with respect to <first>.
FLUX <dvar> BELl Flux <dvar> Start a flux measurement and store the result in variable <dvar>. Variable <dvar> must be of type double (see DOUBLE). If <dvar> does not exist, variable belval of type double is automatically created.
GET <fspec> <nspec> <runid> HP Dat GET <fspec> Independent command or subcommand of HP. File type DSP must be open. As independent command, GET reads <nspec> consecutive spectra from data file, starting with run number <runid>. Data will be put in <fspec> to <fspec>+<nspec>-1. As subcommand of HP, GET transfers real and imaginary parts of trace 1 for both channel 1 and 2 as well as the stimulus from the HP analyzer to memory. The data are stored in a set of 5 consecutive spectra, starting with <fspec>.
GETS Get settings. File type DMP must be open. At start the file name $PATH\CONTRLxx.DMP is assumed by default (xx=DAS address, $PATH=full path to the directory from where program CONTROL is executed).
SET Group <grp> Select spectrum <grp> for data acquisition. BITON must be specified. The selected group number is displayed in the spectrum text window and the corresponding window frame(s) is (are) enhanced. Type HELP MEMORY or HELP ROUTING for more information. Command SET GROUP is ignored when SIN is on.
HLT HP Dat HLT Independent command or subcommand of HP. As independent command, stop data acquisition. Use CON to continue or SIN to restart. As subcommand of HP, stop HP analyzer.
HP <option> ... Possible options are: <command> Init Dat <...> Set <...> Back <...> Lst Abbreviations are allowed; required letters are written in upper case. For example: 'hp init' may be shortened to 'hp i'. If option starts with '*' or contains ':', it is assumed to be an HP command and the command is sent to the HP analyzer. Commands that contain white space must be quoted. Combine a command that does not start with '*' nor contains ':' with another command that does; use ';' as separator between commands. INIT searches the IEEE addresses 16..20 for a talking analyzer and, if success, gets some parameters from the analyzer. The subcommands DAT, SET and BACK are described below. Options <command>, DAT, SET and BACK are ignored if the analyzer is not connected. HP DAT <option> ... Possible options are: SIN HLT GET <fspec> PUT <fspec> STATus <dvar> Abbreviations are allowed; required letters are written in upper case. For example: 'hp dat status' may be shortened to 'hp d stat'. SIN starts a measurement. HLT stops a measurement. GET transfers real and imaginary parts of trace 1 for both channel 1 and 2 as well as the stimulus from the HP analyzer to memory. Data are stored in a set of 5 consecutive spectra, starting with <fspec>. PUT transfers real and imaginary parts of trace 1 for both channel 1 and 2 from memory to the HP analyzer. Data are taken from a set of 5 consecutive spectra, starting with <fspec>. The last spectrum of this set is supposed to contain the original stimulus. STATUS queries the Status Byte Register of the analyzer and stores the result in variable <dvar>. Variable <dvar> must be of type double (see DOUBLE). If <dvar> does not exist, variable hpval of type double is automatically created. Note that bit #2 is set after a group of <sweep> sweeps has been completed. HP SET <option> ... Possible options are: Freq <ffreq> <lfreq> Length <nchan> SWp <sweep> LIN LOG (Re)set selected item. Abbreviations are allowed; required letters are written in upper case. For example: 'hp set length 801' may be shortened to 'hp s l 801' FREQ sets begin and end of the frequency sweep; <ffreq> and <lfreq> must be in the range (1 MHz..1.8 GHz). LENGTH sets the number of steps in the sweep to <nchan>=(2..801). SWP set the maximum number of sweeps to <sweep>=(1..999). LIN set a linear spacing for frequency sweep and x-scale. LOG set a logarithmic spacing for frequency sweep and x-scale. HP BACK <option> ... Possible options are: SAVe <fname> RECall <fname> DELete <fname> CDir <dname> MKDir <dname> OK Abbreviations are allowed; required letters are written in upper case. For example: 'hp back cdir <dname>' may be shortened to 'hp b cd <dname>'. This backup utility uses the floppy disk in the analyzer's built-in disk drive. File name <fname> and directory name <dname> are either a full path, or a path relative to the current directory. Special DOS characters like \, . or .. are allowed. SAVE backups the HP analyzer status to file <fname>. RECALL recovers the HP analyzer status from file <fname>. DELETE deletes file <fname>. CDIR changes the working directory to <dname>. MKDIR creates directory <dname>. OK queries the system error string. All registers are reset after the query.
MENU BUTTON HOTKEY ACTION =========== ====== ====== 0 acquire off/on 1 (DAS address) 2 PgUp / <shift>PgDn display following spectrum 3 PgDn / <shift>PgUp display preceding spectrum 4 - / <shift>+ expand vertical scale 5 + / <shift>- squeeze vertical scale 6 F9 logarithmic display off/on 7 F7 live display off/on 8 F8 zoom off/on 9 <shift>ScrlLck mrk1+mrk2 -> left 10 ScrlLck mrk1+mrk2 -> right 11 Tab increment |mrk1-mrk2| 12 <shift>Tab decrement |mrk1-mrk2| 13 F5 / <shift>F6 mrk1+mrk2 -> left ROI 14 F6 / <shift>F5 mrk1+mrk2 -> right ROI 15 F3 / <shift>F4 mrk1+mrk2 -> preceding spectrum 16 F4 / <shift>F3 mrk1+mrk2 -> following spectrum 17 Ins insert ROI 18 Del delete ROI 19 F10 display mode off/on Home display first spectrum End display last spectrum MOUSE BUTTON HOTKEY ACTION ============ ====== ====== single left LfAr RgAr UpAr DnAr set position mrk0 double left F1 / <shift>F2 set position mrk1 double right F2 / <shift>F1 set position mrk2 Hit popup mrk0 position dwell on curve popup mouse position dwell on menu popup help on menu button
SET Lab <label> Define new spectrum label=<label> ('raw' line of < 256 characters).
LABMaster <option> [<option> ... ] Set various Labmaster parameters. Possible options are: CLk <number> <preset> <timestep> <deadtime> Adc <number> <preset> [<spec>] Dac <number> <preset> [<begin> <end> <step>] Cal <number> <dig1> <dig2> <ana1> <ana2> Sca <number> <preset> [<spec>] Lgt ON|OFF Vsm X|Y|Z|OFF Nul ON|OFF SWp <sweep> LST Abbreviations are allowed; required letters are written in upper case. The options ADC, CAL and SCA are ignored when no spectrum space is allocated. The options CLK, ADC, DAC, CAL and SCA are ignored when SIN is on. All options are ignored if the Labmaster motherboard is not installed. LST prints the Labmaster configuration. Type HELP CLK, HELP ADC, HELP DAC, etc. for more information. Since commands SIN, CON and HLT involve both DAS and Labmaster, it may be wise to select DAS <address>=0 while working with Labmaster (see DAS).
LDIS <fspec> <nspec> [<option> ... ] LDIS [<option> ... ] Possible options are: SCL <ymin> <ymax> OFF <offset> LIN LOG SAF Live display of <nspec> spectra beginning with <fspec>. The value of <offset> determines which part of DAS memory is mapped on the <ndas> spectra that are defined in PC memory. Non-zero values of <offset> are displayed in the spectrum text window. Type HELP MEMORY for more information about <offset>. The vertical scale runs from <ymin> to <ymax>. Keywords LIN and LOG select linear and logarithmic display, respectively. Previous display is not erased if keyword SAF is given. CONTROL allocates <nspec> spectrum windows.
LABMaster LGT ON|OFF Switch logic gate on/off.
LST <option> List various things. Possible options are: DAS DAS configuration (data acquisition system) Dis display configuration Free memory resources IEEE IEEE configuration (PC<>488 driver) Lab all headers on data file LABM Labmaster configuration LU open files MEM memory configuration Mouse mouse configuration SAVer screen saver configuration Spec spectrum configuration Timer timer configuration TRap trap handler configuration Video video configuration Print configuration of selected item. Abbreviations are allowed; required letters are written in upper case. For example: 'lst timer' may be shortened to 'lst t'. Use CIO command DLU to list also the files that are opened by CIO.
Due to the limited size of conventional computer memory, only part of the DAS data space can be mapped on the spectra defined in PC memory, and only this part can be displayed. The number <ndas> of DAS spectra that can be mapped is limited by CONTROL to 16 or <Ndas>, whichever is smaller, or by the available memory resources of the computer. The display attribute <offset> determines which part of the DAS data space is mapped on the spectra defined in PC memory according to the following scheme: <------------------------- spectra in DAS memory ----------------------> 0 1 ....... <offset> <offset>+1 .. <offset>+<ndas>-1 ....... <Ndas>-1 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / 0 1 ....... <ndas>-1 0 1 ............ <naux>-1 <--- DAS spectra ---> <-- auxilliary spectra --> <----------- spectra in computer memory -----------> Obviously, <offset> can take any value that is smaller than or equal to the difference <Ndas>-<ndas>. The number of displayed spectra should not exceed the sum <ndas>+<naux>. By a proper choice of <offset> and by proper paging any spectrum in DAS memory can be displayed. Note that the CIO variables sp[i] and spx[i] are linked to the spectra in PC memory and, thus, refer to the offset spectra in DAS space. The commands RESDAS and PUT will issue a message if <offset><>0 in order to warn the user that he is going to reset/save an offset spectrum. There are some subtle differences between the display attribute <offset> and the spectrum attribute <group>. The former indicates one or more blocks of <Nchan> channels, which is the effective spectrum length in DAS space. The latter refers to a single spectrum (= block of <Nchan> channels in DAS space) if PACOFF, or to a complete PAC data space (= contiguous block of 16x<Nchan> channels in DAS space) if PACON. If software routing is used, CONTROL will take care to set the correct route bits. If hardware routing is uses, however, it is the user's responsibility to connect the external route signal(s) to the proper route input(s).
See KEY.
LABMaster NUL [ON|OFF] If NUL is on, channel contents are cleared before adding ADC or SCA result.
Open <file_type> Open file and the associated logical unit. Possible file types are: DSP data file <lu>=1 access mode: a+ DAT export file <lu>=2 access mode: a+ LOG log file <lu>=8 access mode: a+ PRO program file <lu>=15 access mode: r DMP dump file <lu>=11 access mode: r+ Program and dump files must exist before they can be opened. All files are opened in text mode (ASCII). Note that CIO uses <lu>=14 for logging.
PUT <fspec> <nspec> HP Dat PUT <fspec> Independent command or subcommand of HP. File type DSP must be open. As independent command, PUT writes <fspec> to <fspec>+<nspec>-1 on data file. Data are preceded by a header containing label, runid, spectrum length, elapsed time, calibration constants, and calibration unit. Note that the spectra may be linked to an upper region in DAS memory (see parameter <offset> of DIS and LDIS). The run number will be automatically incremented. As subcommand of HP, PUT transfers real and imaginary parts of trace 1 for both channel 1 and 2 from memory to the HP analyzer. Data are taken from a set of 5 consecutive spectra, starting with <fspec>. The last spectrum of this set is supposed to contain the original stimulus.
PUTS Put settings. File type DMP must be open. On exit the file name $PATH\CONTRLxx.DMP is assumed by default (xx=DAS address, $PATH=full path to the directory from where programm CONTROL is executed).
RESDas <spec> Reset <spec> and corresponding DAS memory block. Note that the spectra may be linked to an upper region in DAS memory (see parameter <offset> of DIS and LDIS). If <spec>=-1, all spectra are reset.
REWind <file_type> Rewind file. Possible file types are: DSP data file DAT export file LOG log file PRO program file DMP dump file Type HELP OPEN for more information.more information.
If PACON is selected, CONTROL assumes that the special PAC routing is used. A standard PAC data space consists of 4x4=16 spectra that form a contiguous data space in DAS memory. The length of a PAC data space is therefore limited to 64k/16=4k, and the number of channels <nchan> per spectrum should be selected from the series 256, 512..4k. The number of addressable spectra in DAS memory is <Ndas>=64k/<nchan>. The number of groups that can be selected by routing is <Ngrp>=<Ndas>/16. If PACOFF is selected, the spectrum length is limited to 4k by the peripheral devices PHA and MCS, and the number of channels <nchan> may be chosen from the series 256, 512..4k. The number <Ndas> of addressable spectra in DAS memory is 16, and the number of selectable groups is <Ngrp>=<Ndas>. In either case the distance <Nchan> between two consecutive spectra in DAS memory is 64k/<Ndas>. The spectrum offsets in DAS space are listed by the command LST MEM. === PAC ===== nchan ===== ndas ===== Nchan ===== Ndas ===== Ngrp === on 256 0..16 256 256 16 512 0..16 512 128 8 1k 0..16 1k 64 4 2k 0..16 2k 32 2 4k 0..16 4k 16 1 ==================================================================== off 256 0..16 4k 16 16 512 0..16 4k 16 16 1k 0..16 4k 16 16 2k 0..16 4k 16 16 4k 0..16 4k 16 16 ==================================================================== Memory management depends only on the parameter PACON/PACOFF but not on BITON/BITOFF. The latter parameter merely tells CONTROL whether or not software routing should be enabled. Note that it is not possible to disable the hardware routing.
SET RUNID <runid> Define new run identification number=<runid> (unsigned long int).
SET SAVer <tim> Set screen saver attributes The preset time <tim> should be expressed in seconds. The screen saver is disabled by setting <tim>=0. Screen saving mode starts after <tim> seconds have elapsed. CONTROL uses the 18.2 Hz interrupts of the PC, defining time slices of approximately 55 msec.
LABMaster SCA <number> <preset> [<spec>] (De)activate SCA line <number>. After a preset time interval the next active SCA line (0..15) is sampled. The result either replaces or is added to the contents of the next channel of the associated spectrum <spec> (see NUL). The time interval is equal to the product of <preset>=(0..65535) and the unit of time (see parameters <timestep> and <deadtime> of CLK). If <preset>=0, the line is deactivated and parameter <spec> must be omitted. The sweep number is incremented and the channel number is reset to zero at the end of the spectrum. The channel number is also reset at the end of each full DAC sweep (see DAC). The maximum number of sweeps may be defined at any moment (see parameter <sweep> of SWP). To stop the measurement at the end of a sweep, reduce <sweep> to some small non-zero value. Command LABM SCA is ignored when SIN is on.
SET <option> HP SET <option> ... Independent command or subcommand of HP. Set various things. As independent command, the possible options are: Cal <option> [<cal0> <cal1>] DAS [<address>] <option> ... EXT <...> Lab <label> RUNID <runid> SAVer <tim> TRap <tim> <cvar> The following options are ignored when SIN is on. Group <grp> Spec <nchan> <ndas> <naux> Timer <tim> (Re)set selected item. Abbreviations are allowed; required letters are written in upper case. For example: 'set spectrum 512 16 0' may be shortened to 'set s 512 16 0' Type HELP CAL, HELP EXT, HELP LAB, etc. for more information. As subcommand of HP, the possible options are: Freq <ffreq> <lfreq> Length <nchan> SWp <sweep> LIN LOG (Re)set selected item. Abbreviations are allowed; required letters are written in upper case. For example: 'hp set length 801' may be shortened to 'hp s l 801' FREQ sets begin and end of the frequency sweep; <ffreq> and <lfreq> must be in the range (1 MHz..1.8 GHz). LENGTH sets the number of steps in the sweep to <nchan>=(2..801). SWP set the maximum number of sweeps to <sweep>=(1..999). LIN set a linear spacing for frequency sweep and x-scale. LOG set a logarithmic spacing for frequency sweep and x-scale. Command HP SET is ignored if the HP analyzer is not connected.
SIN HP DAT SIN Independent command or subcommand of HP. As independent command, reset timer and start data acquisition. Use HLT to stop. The clocks of the trap handler and the screen saver are not affected by command SIN. As subcommand of HP, start HP analyzer.
SET Spec <nchan> <ndas> <naux> Set spectrum attributes. CONTROL allocates <ndas> spectra for data acquisition and <naux> spectra for data manipulation. All spectra have a common length of <nchan>=[256,512..4k]; <ndas> is limited to 16. Clear high byte of DAS mode word, and reset spectrum <grp> and display <offset>. Set trivial calibration. Type HELP DAS or HELP GROUP for more information. The following CIO variables are automatically (re)created: sp refers to the total spectrum space spx, x=0..<ndas>+<naux> refers to an individual spectrum spnchan <nchan> spndas <ndas> spnaux <naux> spnspec <ndas>+<naux> spgroup <grp>=0 spcal0, spcal1 calibration constants Note that sp[i] and spx[i] are only updated during live display. Command SET SPEC is ignored when SIN is on.
LABMaster SWp <sweep> HP SET SWp <sweep Set maximum number of sweeps. Subcommand of either LABMaster or HP. As subcommand of LABMaster, stop the measurement when for any active device the number of sweeps exceeds <sweep>=(0..65535). If <sweep>=0, the measurement is stopped after the first step of any active DAC. As subcommand of HP, stop the measurement when the number of sweeps exceeds <sweep>=(1..999).
SYStem <shell_command> Read a line of text, then execute this line as a shell command line. Pipe output through tempory file. List output in page mode.
TEMP <dvar> BELl Temp <dvar> Start temperature measurement and store result in variable <dvar>. Variable <dvar> must be of type double (see DOUBLE). If <dvar> does not exist, variable belval of type double is automatically created.
SET Timer <tim> Set timer attributes. The preset time <tim> should be expressed in seconds. If <tim>=0, data acquisition never stops. CONTROL uses the 18.2 Hz interrupts of the PC, defining time slices of approximately 55 msec. Command SET TIMER is ignored when SIN is on.
SET TRap <tim> <cvar> Set trap attributes. The preset time <tim> should be expressed in seconds. The handler is disabled by setting <tim>=0. The timer of the trap handler starts to run as soon as the handler is set, and is not halted while SIN if off. The handler will reset the current time and execute the instructions stored in variable <cvar> after <tim> seconds have elapsed. Variable <cvar> must exist and be of type char. The instructions may be loaded from a file or subfile (see LGO, LOAD and RUN), or stored by (re)defining variable <cvar> (see CHAR). Note that the preset time must be explicitely set to zero by the user in order to stop the trap handler. CONTROL uses the 18.2 Hz interrupts of the PC, defining time slices of approximately 55 msec.
VERBose ON|OFF [<line>] Switch verbose on/off. Commands that involve settings, timing, IEEE errors or file manipulation are logged if verbose is on. Each message is preceded by a time stamp. An optional line ('raw' line of < 256 characters) is echoed to LOG-file. File type LOG must be open. See CIO command LOG for logging of CIO commands.
LABMaster Vsm X|Y|Z|OFF Set pseudo routing bits 0-4, according to following table: OFF -> 0000 X -> 0001 Y -> 0010 Z -> 0011 The 2 lowest bits are used to configure the VSM pick-up coils.
Xport <spec> <first> <last> [<label>] Write data in specified region of <spec> on data file. Data are preceded by an optional string <label>, and written in two columns: first column contains x-values in calibration units (see CAL) and second column contains y-values. All values in floating point format. File type DAT must be open.