- Introduction
- Goniometry
- Reaction kinematics
- Spectrum simulation
- Fit, smooth, interpolate
program CONTROL online helpLast update: 21 Sept 1998
CONTROL is a program developed for data taking, control of experiments, and analysis of results.
Command line parameters: -h display list of commands -s spectrumfile (LU 1, read only) -a spectrumfile (LU 2, read/write) -d asciifile (LU 7) -l logfile (LU 14) -p cio_program (LU 15, for command RUN) Each of this options should be given separately, each starting with " -". Further command line arguments are treated as normal commands.For general information, see the CIO documentation CIO help and CIO command language.
For a survey of CIO programs (scripts), see CIO programs help.
dmi set, dmi preset, dmi time, dmi go, dmi on, dmi hlt, dmi load, dmi debug, dmi flush, and dmi regsdmi set : set all sorts of parameters dmi preset: preset time or number of clock pulses dmi time : print out time and clock pulses of current measurement dmi go : start a measurement, go in wait loop while measuring. dmi on : start a measurement, no builtin wait loop dmi hlt : stop a measuremnt dmi load/debug/flush/regs : debugging tools
The type of experiment is specified using DMI SET.dmi set <number of ADC's> <ADC numbers> <OPTION> <additional input> OPTION : DMI collect singles spectra DMICL collect singles spectra, start on first real time clock pulse. COIN,COINCL coincident mode, for XY position sensitive detector DMA,DMACL list mode. MULTIscale multiscaling mode. ADC's work as for DMI, but a spectrum of yield versus time is also generated. additional input varies for different options
dmi preset : preset time or number of clock pulses dmi time : print out time and clock pulses of current measurementThe duration of a measurement depends on which of the following first reaches its preset value.
clock time (specified in seconds) real 'time' = number of pulses fed to multiplexer interface input live 'time' (one counter for each selected ADC) = number of 'real' time pulses, but filtered through a gate that closes when the ADC is busy
dmi go : start a measurement, go in wait loop while measuring. dmi on : start a measurement, no builtin wait loop dmi hlt : stop a measuremnt
DMI : test and service tools
dmi load, dmi flush, dmi regs, and dmi debugdmi load : down-load adc multiplexer dmi flush : flush output from adcmultiplexer to OS-90 dmi regs : print adc multiplexer internal registers dmi debug : control output to logfile /dd/tmp/dmidma.log asks for an integer number DEBUG if (DEBUG == 0) no logfile output if (DEBUG & 1) very limited output if (DEBUG & 2) report every buffer switch if (DEBUG & 4) report every coincident event
DMI : CIO variables created and used
int ADCBUSY 0 when stopped, 1 when measuring. double dmierror counts number of errors detected by the program int prekloks[9] preset number of clock pulses int adckloks[9] elapsed - preset number of clock pulses double adctime[8] elapsed times, set by DMI TIME or end of measurement double dmipid set by command DMI CHECK <= 0 if control is offline (DMI not permitted) int adcabc[] data used in COIN or MULTIscale mode in multiscaling mode: adcabc[0] : current channel number in time spectrum adcabc[1] : time interval in clock ticks (units of 1/256 s)In coincident mode statistics are collected in array adcerror.
0: number of buffer switches 1: number of events 2: number of incomplete events 3: number of other syntax errors in events 4: number of events with x or y out of range 5: number of events with x y and z equal to zero
mtr inquire, mtr init, mtr pos, mtr rate, mtr goto, mtr check, mtr brake, mtr disable, and mtr testStepping motor control, version November 1994
The stepping motors are controlled by a microcomputer, further called ISMC. The ISMC is connected to the OS9-system by a RS232 link. The ISMC operates in units of motor steps and of encoder increments. Conversion to angles in degrees is done in the OS9-system.
The absolute encoders are actually only 'absolute' within one revolution (is 2**13 or 2**14 encoder increments). The number of revolutions is counted by the ISMC, and therefore may be in error when the ISMC is set up. In the set-up procedure (MTR INIT) it is assumed that the current angles supplied by the user are accurate within half a revolution (1.8 degrees (?)) and the number of encoder revolutions is initialised to the nearest integer corresponding to the angle given by the user.
To set up the link between ISMC and OS9-system, give the command MTR INQUIRE. To specify the calibration, current angles, acceleration algorithm and a few other parameters, give MTR INIT. Parts of MTR INIT may be repeated by MTR POS and MTR Rate. Several subcommands of MTR (MTR INQUIRE, MTR GO, MTR INIT) store the current values of the motor angles in CIO array RVARS.
MTR INQuire <devicename> This should always be the first MTR command of a session. When the device name is known to the program already, this command may be abbreviated to MTR INQ; Device name is the OS9-system RS232 port (/t1). The current status and position of the ISMC are reported. Therefore this is also a useful command after any errors (in addition to MTR Check, see below). Note that MTR INQ also works when the motors are not initialized, while MTR Check assumes that they have been initialized.
MTR INIT <parameters> This command asks for the following parameters: Number of motors (2 or 3} Number of encoder bits (13 or 14) for each motor Number of motor steps / 360 degrees Number of encoder increments / 360 degrees Encoder value where the angle is 0 Minimum and maximum angle (allowed range) Undershoot and required precision (both in degrees) Current angles (degrees, may also be set by MTR POS) Parameters R,S,F,Z, determining the rate and the acceleration algorithm (may also be set by MTR Rate) R is top speed (for R < 41 the rate is 100*R steps/second) F is first rate, i.e. the minimum speed. S and Z determine the acceleration from "F" to "R" or vice versa the acceleration is proportional to 1/{Z*(256-S)}.
MTR Goto <angles> Arguments of this command are Nmotor angles (in degrees).
MTR Check
MTR Check Besides the angle values based on the absolute encoders, the OS90-system and the ISMC each keep track of what the angles should be based on the the number of motor steps. This 'ISMC angle' is only initialized by MTR INIT and MTR POS. The OS90-system angle is adjusted to the encoder value before each step request (ANG GO or ANG SCAN). The (hopefully not too) different values are reported by MTR CHECK. MTR CHECK will also report on current status errors.See also MTR INQuire.
MTR BRake May be useful to abort an erroneous ANG GO or ANG SCAN command. Stops all motors. A new MTR POS or MTR INIT is then required.
MTR DISable This command should be given at the end of a session, and makes the motors inaccessible until a new command MTR INIT is given.
MTR TEST <keyword> [<text>] Possible keywords are: TRON : trace all input/output to the ISMC TROF : turn tracing off WR text: write text to the ISMC, and read responseThis command is intended for test purposes.
MTR : errors and warnings
The explanatory text after errors should help the diagnosis. Messages starting with a % sign are from the ISMC, others from the OS9-system program. Any errors not resulting from wrong input should be reported. After an error in one of the angles always give MTR CHECK. A subsequentMTR POS;(note the ;) will then set the encoder angle as the correct angle.
XYPOS x, y Move the XY-table to position (x,y). Default is current position.
nmr cal, nmr ion, nmr e, and nmr fRelations between NMR frequency and beam energy. Assumes a quadratic relation, F=A1*B + A2*B**2, between frequency and average field.
If the command NMR CAL is not given the following default values are used:
A1=0.1747515 A2=0.3195214D-9The frequency, kinetic energy of the (first) nucleus and the kinetic energy of the total ion are calculated by the subcommands NMR E and NMR F.
NMR CAL <isotope1> <energy1> <frequency1> <isotope2> <energy2> <frequency2> Calculates the coefficients a1 and a2 from two calibration points. Isotopes specified as mnemonics, e.g. P (=proton), ALPHA, 4HE. Energies in keV, frequencies in kHz. To obtain the current calibration type NMR CAL P 0 0 To obtain a linear calibration, set fequency2 = 0.
NMR ION <charge state> <Nisotopes> <Nisotopes*(Isotope, Ni)> charge state : the charge state of the ion Nisotopes : the number of different isotopes in the ion Isotope : mnemonic, e.g. P (=proton), 14N Ni : number of atoms of this isotope per ion This command specifies the ion beam. Example: to specify a beam of HHD+ ions give NMR ION 1,2, P,2, D,1 The command NMR ION has to be given only once after loading CONTROL, or whenever the beam ion is changed. There is no default ion.
NMR E <energy> NMR F <frequency> energy : in keV frequency : in kHz These commands relate the energy of the (first) nucleus of the ion to the NMR frequency. Results are listed on the console and also assigned to variables R0=frequency and R1=energy. They do not affect the NMR control of the Van de Graaff.
The command EXPORT should only be given after a session has been initialized and all relevant arrays have been defined. The command EXPORT enables the current set of CIO variables to be shared with other copies of program control running in the same computer. As a side effect, all current CIO variables effectively become permanent. They can not be deleted, although their value may still be modified. This command is only available in the OS-9 version of control. Note: To enable deletion of variables after giving export, proceed as follows. a) stop 'slave' programs, started by COCON. b) give the command 'keep -z' c) delete the relevant variables ... d) give the command export e) Now you may restart cocon.see also COCON
The OS-9 command COCON starts up a version of program CONTROL that 'grabs' the CIO variables exported (see command EXPORT) by another copy of control. In one OS-9 computer several copies of COCON may be started simultaneously. Such a program may be used to display spectra, inspect data, and even modify some global parameters, such as those set by DMI PRESET. This command is only available in the OS-9 version of control.see also EXPORT
gon init, gon ms, and gon smTransformation of spherical coordinates between two reference frames: frame M (theta,phi), and frame S (theta',phi').
All input and output is in degrees.
0 <= theta <= 180, -180 <= phi <= 180.
GON Init <theta0> <phi0> <theta1> <phi1> This call specifies frame S with respect to frame M. theta0, phi0 : coordinates of the z' axis (theta' = 0) theta1, phi1 : coordinates of some point of the (z',+x') plane (phi'=0) The parameters given via GON Init are stored in a common block and may be used for many further calls GON MS and GON SM. GON MS and GON SM store their results in CIO variables Gonphi : theta' or theta Gontheta : phi' or phi
GON MS <theta> <phi> Calculates theta',phi'
GON SM <theta'> <phi'> Calculates theta,phi
SECT <theta1> <phi1> <theta2> <phi2> <theta3> <phi3> <theta4> <phi4> The input angles specify four points on a unit sphere. Let points 1 and 3 define one great circle, and points 2 and 4 another one. SECT calculates the point of intersection of the two circles and also the angle between the two planes. Of the 2 possible solutions, the one closest to point 1 is returned. All input and output is in degrees.
Uses the output of CIO program CIRCLE, TRIANGLE or SQUARE. The program asks a string (Circle, Square or Triangle), the begin point of the circle, square or triangle. and a dip recognition criterion. More dips are accepted when this number is higher.(normal values: 0.5-2). The circle, square or triangle is drawn on the screen with the dips. The dips are numbered in order of magnitude. Then the numbers are asked of dips one expects to belong to the same plane. The plane is drawn and the intersection with the other planes is calculated
This is a program to do goniometry for the 2-axis RBS goniometer. The two motor angles are called (theta,phi) in the program. CHAN calculates the directions (theta,phi) of all strings and planes with specified indices. For calibration two strings or one string and a plane have to be given first. These calibration strings or string + plane are to be input as H,K,L, theta,phi (in degrees). If two strings are given the order and sign of the indices should be such that the angle between the strings is consistent with the given directions. If the difference is more then 4 degrees an error message is given and new input is asked. If the error is less , the program can perform a correction by assuming an offset in theta, i.e. theta is replaced by (theta - th0) in the calculation. This only makes sense if this offset is the cause of the deviation The program checks if there is a unique solution. If there are two solutions both are calculated.
This is a program to do goniometry for the 3-axis LEIS goniometer. For every set of motor angles there is a certain orientation of the crystal. To calibrate the relation between these, the program asks for two axial directions, (or for one axial direction and a point of a plane,) and corresponding motor angles. These are sets of angles where the specified axial direction (or plane) coincides with the beam direction. The axial directions and planes are specified by their Miller indices h,k,l. Once this relation is established, there are several options: Order : Input a positive integer, and a value for motor angle 3. The program will calculate and print all accessible strings with one index equal to 'order', and for each of these the motor angles, and the angle of the normal of the crystal with up to 3 detectors, and with the beam. Hkl : Input the required orientation of the crystal, by specifying two directions, and corresponding angles. Calculate quantities of interest. Motpos : Input motor angles. Calculate quantities of interest. Rotate : Input initial motor angles, an axis (h,k,l) of the crystal, and the angle of rotation. Calculate the new motor positions to effectuate the requested rotation. The lab frame used in the program has its X axis vertical, Y axis perpendicular to the beam, and Z axis along the beam. Polar coordinates theta (=angle with Z axis) and phi (=angle with ZX plane) are also used. Thus the horizontal plane has phi= +90 or -90 degrees. In subsequent calls of CHAN3 one can skip the calibration section and go directly to the options section by typing: chan3;
Reaction kinematics
Relativistic reaction kinematics of 2-particle reactions. m3 / / psi m1----->m2---- \ zeta \ m4 The reaction is m1 + m2 --> m3 + m4, where m1 : is beam particle (may also be GAMMA) m2 : is target particle, originally at rest m3 and m4 : are reaction products OPTION INPUT OUTPUT 1 1 value of psi T3,T4,V3,V4,psi,theta,zeta,cmlab 2 2 values of psi same quantities averaged 3 N values of psi specified quantities for N angles 4,5,6 same as 1,2,3 but theta values are input 0 STOP One may either specify the lab. angle psi (options 1 and 2), or the center-of-mass angle theta (options 3 and 4), of particle m3. Several output options are available. Output quantities may be kinetic energies : T1,T2,T3,T4 momenta (MeV/c) : P1,P2,P3,P4 velocities (v/c) : V1,V2,V3,V4 lab angles PSI (for m3) and ZETA (for m4), c.m. angle THETA, ratio of cross sections cm/lab for particles m3 Particles m1,m2,m3,m4 are specified by their mnemonics, such as 27AL, 4HE (or ALPHA, or A), GAMMA (or G). The requested input is explained when the program is run.
Calculates energy-depth (or depth-channel) relations, for particles leaving a material after elastic scattering or after a nuclear reaction, or, of the incident beam particles. It uses two auxiliary files containing masses and stopping powers (/usr/local/tab/massa.tab /usr/local/tab/scoef.88). The program asks the reaction, to be specified by 1) beam particle, 2) target nuclide, 3) detected particle, and 4) residual nucleus. If the residual nucleus is not in its ground state, its excitation energy may be given (level of particles 4). To obtain the depth energy relation of the beam particles, give a 0 instead of particle 2; particles 3 and 4 are then not asked. The target and detector orientation are specified by angles phi_in, phi_out and theta. The 'depth' in the output is incoming path length * cos(phi_in). Next, the stopping material is to be given. One may specify either a single element (e.g. Si), or a compound (e.g. Si1O2). Only in the second case, i.e. for compunds, the density is also asked. Then the beam energy (MeV) is asked, and the channel number corresponding to the maximum energy of particles 3. Instead of this channel number one may give the calibration in keV per channel. (Input is then a negative value, -keV/channel.) The energy of channel 0, is also asked. Next, select one of the output options, D, E, or N. For option D, the depth (in nm) corresponding to each channel is stored. Additional input is the name of the output array. This should be a 'double' or 'float' array of size at least 1024. In the second case (option E) the depth-energy relation is stored in an array, assumed to have 1024 channels. The channel numbers of this array correspond to depth, and the channel contents to energy in keV. Channel 0 corresponds to depth 0. In this case the program also asks for the number of nm per channel. Further the program asks for an energy step (MeV) to be used as interval in the energy of particles 1, in the calculations. A default value is obtained by just giving a comma at this point. After the calculations are finished, the program outputs the number of steps actually used, and one may decide to repeat the calculation with a smaller energy step if this number is too low. (the maximum nr of steps the program can handle is 128, if the number used is less then about 30 results may be unreliable). After establishing the depth-energy relation the program again asks for input, in the form of a list of numbers, interpreted as follows: positive numbers are depth in nm. negative numbers between 0 and -10 are (minus) energies in MeV. negative numbers less then -10 are (minus) channels numbers. For each of these the depth and corresponding energy are output. To quit command DEPth, give a ';'
ISO <list of element names> Scans the file 'massa.tab' and list all isotopes of the given elements. The quantities Z,N,A,and mass excess are output. In addition the average mass and density for the natural composition are listed, as found from file 'scoef.88'. Leave the command ISO by giving a `;' or an empty line. Example: ISO LI,F;
MASS <projectile> <energy-in> <scattering angle> <energy-out> Calculates the mass of the scattering nucleus, assuming elastic scattering. Relativistically correct. projectile : mnemonic for the projectile (e.g. P,A,22NE) energy-in : kinetic energy in MeV scattering angle : in degrees (forward is 0) energy-out : kinetic energy in MeV after the collision The mass is printed in atomic mass units.
Spectrum simulation
This commands builds a simulated energy spectrum of particles from a nuclear reaction, taking into account: 1. Y(z) : the concentration and/or nuclear encounter probability as a function of depth. Read from an ASCII file or an -.FLX file. 2. The energy loss and straggling in the incoming trajectory, using Ziegler et al.'s stopping powers and Bohr straggling, or, read in from an -.FLX file. 3. The energy loss and straggling in the outgoing trajectory, using Ziegler et al.'s stopping powers and Bohr straggling. 4. X(E): the reaction cross section as a function of energy. Options: 0 : uniform, or already included in Y(z). 1 : Rutherford cross section 2 : read in from an ASCII file 5. The detector resolution (FWHM). Restriction. An approximation is made that is only valid if the yield varies smoothly with energy, i.e. at any depth the cross section is assumed constant, although the energy has a distribution of finite width. Input: a. FLX file name (give a comma or <return> if not needed) b. ASCII file name (give a comma or <return> if not needed) c. Random (=uniform) Y(z)? (type Yes or No) d. Random energy loss? (Yes or No; if 'No': use simulated energy loss of FLX file) e. Random straggling? (ditto) f. Cross section type (0,1,2; see above) g. The following input depends on the options chosen. If a cross section of type 1 was specified the program asks the subfile name in the ASCII file. If a non-random Y(z) was specified, the program asks what to read: 1=ASCII file 2=FLX file (FLUX V2.0) 3=FLX file (FLUX V3.0) After option 1, a subfile name is asked, and also the value of the beam energy. After option 2, a sequence number is asked. After option 3, a sequence number is asked, and also the atom species (1 or 2) that is involved in the reaction. If a random Y(z) was specified, the program asks for the beam energy and also of the maximum depth in nm. h. Specify the reaction, example: 4HE 28SI 4HE 28SI i. phi-in, phi-out, theta j. Substrate composition (example SI1O2) k. Density (g/cm3), average atomic number A If the substrate consists of a single element, the density and A are nor asked, but looked up instead. l. Thickness of extra surface layer (nm) Fraction of bulk atoms in surface layer. (this is to "add" an extra surface peak to the Y(z) specified it does not take the different stopping into account) m. Spectrum calibration (+ch where E=Emax, or, -keV/channel) zero crossing (E(keV) corresponding to ch 0) n. Spectrum name (spectrum should be 1024 channels or more) optional spectrum for depth scale o. Detector resolution (keV FWHM) p. Fin,Fuit: multiplicative factors for the stopping powers
Fit, smooth, interpolate
input parameters comment ---------------- ------- llsq Linear Least SQuares array of x values all arrays must be of type float array to be fitted data array of *squared* errors may be the same as the data array array for fitted values first channel number to be fitted the same for all 4 arrays last channel number to be fitted Option `L' or `P' P or p for fitting power series L or l for Legendre polynomials. NR. of L-values. number of fit parameters L-values example: for quadratic curve, type option = P, NR. of L-values = 3 L-values = 0, 1, 2 Option `Y' or `N' or `S' After the fit, type S or s to quit Y or N to repeat with different NR. of L-values or different L-values The output contains the coefficients A(L) in the specified series: L=Legendre polynomials : Y=sum{A(L) × PL(cos(x)} P=Power series : Y=sum{A(L) × x**L}
spline <option> <further parameters> <option> = one of the characters s,0,1,2,3 option s : smooth a given set of data, using fit with cubic splines. option n=0,1,2,3 : calculate n'th derivative from a previous spline fit. input for option s : A : array to be smoothed B : array for result; default is array A. C : array of relative or absolute squared errors; default is array A. f, l : first and last channel to be fitted; default is the whole array A variance parameter : 1 if absolute squared errors were given, see also further on. A number of CIO arrays is created with names splinx, spliny, ... The arrays splinx, spliny, and splinc are used by options 0-3, and should not be modified between spline s and spline 0,1,2, or 3. input for options 0,1,2,3 : xarray : an array of x values; default is splinx output : an array of results. f, l : first and last channel containing x values; default is the whole xarray For every x value the interpolated function value (option 0) or the value of the n'th derivative (options 1,2,3) is stored in the corresponding channel of the result array.
CUBGCV calculates a natural cubic spline curve which smoothes a given set of data points, using statistical considerations to determine the amount of smoothing required, as described in reference 2. If the error variance is known, it should be supplied to the routine in VAR. The degree of smoothing is then determined by minimizing an unbiased estimate of the true mean square error. On the other hand, if the error variance is not known, VAR should be set to -1.0. The routine then determines the degree of smoothing by minimizing the generalized cross validation. This is asymptotically the same as minimizing the true mean square error (see reference 1). In this case, an estimate of the error variance is returned in VAR which may be compared with any a priori approximate estimates. In either case, an estimate of the true mean square error is returned in
This estimate, however, depends on the error variance estimate, and should
only be accepted if the error variance estimate is reckoned to be correct.
If job is set to 1, bayesian estimates of the standard error of each smoothed data value are returned in the array SE. These also depend on the error variance estimate and should only be accepted if the error variance estimate is reckoned to be correct. See reference 4.
The number of arithmetic operations and the amount of storage required by the routine are both proportional to N, so that very large data sets may be analysed. The data points do not have to be equally spaced or uniformly weighted. The residual and the spline coefficients are calculated in the manner described in reference 3, while the trace and various statistics, including the generalized cross validation, are calculated in the manner described in reference 2.
When VAR is known, any value of N greater than 2 is acceptable. It is advisable, however, for N to be greater than about 20 when VAR is unknown. If the degree of smoothing done by CUBGCV when VAR is unknown is not satisfactory, the user should try specifying the degree of smoothing by setting VAR to a reasonable value.
1. Craven, Peter and Wahba, Grace, "Smoothing noisy data with spline functions", Numer. Math. 31, 377-403 (1979). 2. Hutchinson, M.F. and de Hoog, F.R., "Smoothing noisy data with spline functions", Numer. Math. (in press). 3. Reinsch, C.H., "Smoothing by spline functions", Numer. Math. 10, 177-183 (1967). 4. Wahba, Grace, "Bayesian 'confidence intervals' for the cross-validated smoothing spline", J.R.Statist. Soc. B 45, 133-150 (1983). EXAMPLE A sequence of 50 data points are generated by adding a random variable with uniform density in the interval [-0.3,0.3] to the curve y=sin(3*pi*x/2). The abscissae are unequally spaced in [0,1]. Point standard error estimates are returned in SE by setting JOB to 1. The error variance estimate is returned in VAR. It compares favourably with the true value of 0.03. The IMSL function GGUBFS is used to generate sample values of a uniform variable on [0,1]. INPUT: INTEGER N,IC,JOB,IER DOUBLE PRECISION X(50),F(50),Y(50),DF(50),C(49,3),WK(400), * VAR,SE(50) DOUBLE PRECISION GGUBFS,DSEED,DN DATA DSEED/1.2345D4/ C N=50 IC=49 JOB=1 VAR=-1.0D0 DN=N C DO 10 I=1,N X(I)=(I - 0.5)/DN + (2.0*GGUBFS(DSEED) - 1.0)/(3.0*DN) F(I)=DSIN(4.71238*X(I)) + (2.0*GGUBFS(DSEED) - 1.0)*0.3 DF(I)=1.0D0 10 CONTINUE CALL CUBGCV(X,F,DF,N,Y,C,IC,VAR,JOB,SE,WK,IER) . . . END OUTPUT: IER = 0 VAR = 0.0279 GENERALIZED CROSS VALIDATION = 0.0318 MEAN SQUARE RESIDUAL = 0.0246 RESIDUAL DEGREES OF FREEDOM = 43.97 FOR CHECKING PURPOSES THE FOLLOWING OUTPUT IS GIVEN: X(1) = 0.0046 F(1) = 0.2222 Y(1) = 0.0342 SE(1) = 0.1004 X(21) = 0.4126 F(21) = 0.9810 Y(21) = 0.9069 SE(21) = 0.0525 X(41) = 0.8087 F(41) = -0.5392 Y(41) = -0.6242 SE(41) = 0.0541
Interpolation of a function using cubic splines. a) setup for spline interpolation : splint s <degree> <x-array> <y-array> <first> <last> [derivs] 0 <degree> : 3 or 5, degree of the spline. <x-array> <y-array> : arrays containing points where the function to be interpolated has prescribed values <x-array> : the x-values in increasing order <y-array> : the function values. <first> <last> : indices of the range in <x-array> <y-array> [derivs] : It is possible to prescribe the value of derivatives at any of the points given above. To do so enter one or more lines, containing <n> <ch> <value> where <n> = 1,2 or 3 for 1'st, 2'nd, 3'rd derivative <ch> = index in <x-array> <y-array> <value> = value of the derivative 0 : the input is terminated by <n> = 0, or a semicolon b) interpolation splint <id> <x-array> <y-array> <first> <last> <id> : has possible values 0, 1,2,3 and specifies whether the function itself, or one of its derivatives is wanted <x-array> : contains x values where the function should be caluclated. <y-array> : array where the result is return in <first> <last> : indicate the range in <x-array> <y-array> This command uses a Fortran procedure from netlib: C ALGORITHM 485 COLLECTED ALGORITHMS FROM ACM. C ALGORITHM APPEARED IN COMM. ACM, VOL. 17, NO. 09, C P. 526. SUBROUTINE GSF(N, M, X, Y, Z, IM, C, IDET) INTEGER N, M REAL X(N), Y(4,N) INTEGER Z(N) INTEGER IM(4,N) REAL C(8,N) INTEGER IDET C INPUT N,M,X,Z,IM,Y-- C N IS A POSITIVE INTEGER GIVING THE NUMBER OF KNOTS C M IS A POSITIVE INTEGER DETERMINING THE DEGREE C 2*M-1 OF THE SPLINE C X IS AN ARRAY OF REAL NUMBERS WITH C X(1).LT.X(2).LT.....LT.X(N) C Z IS AN ARRAY OF INTEGERS SUCH THAT C 0.LT.Z(I).LE.M, I=1,2,...,N C IM IS AN INTEGER ARRAY WITH C 1.LE.M(1,J).LT.....LT.IM(Z(J),J).LE.M, C J=1,2,...,N. C Y IS AN ARRAY OF REAL NUMBERS C OUTPUT C,IDET-- C THE COLUMN VECTOR C(1,J),...,C(2*M,J) CONTAINS THE C COEFFICIENTS OF THE SPLINE IN THE INTERVAL X(J-1) C TO X(J). IDET IS SET TO ZERO IF A SINGULAR SYSTEM C IS ENCOUNTERED OTHERWISE, IDET IS 1. C THE SUBROUTINE GSF(N,M,X,Y,Z,IM,C,IDET) COMPUTES C THE COEFFICIENTS OF THE INTERPOLATING G-SPLINE. THE C PARAMETERS N,M,X,Y,Z, AND IM ARE INPUT. N AND M C ARE THE POSITIVE INTEGERS OF SECTION 1 WHICH GIVE C THE NUMBER OF X S AND DETERMINE THE DEGREE OF THE C SPLINE, RESPECTIVELY. X MUST BE AN ARRAY OF REAL C NUMBERS WITH X(1).LT.X(2).LT.....LT.X(N) AND Z IS C AN ARRAY OF POSITIVE INTEGERS NONE OF WHICH SHOULD C EXCEED M. X CONTAINS THE POINTS WHERE HB-DATA IS C PRESCRIBED AND Z DESCRIBES THE NUMBER OF PIECES OF C DATA AT EACH SUCH POINT. IM IS AN INTEGER ARRAY C WITH C 1.LE.IM(1,J).LT.IM(2,J).LT.....LT.IM(Z(J),L).LE.M, C J=1,2,...,N. C THE J TH COLUMN OF IM IS A LIST OF WHICH C DERIVATIVES (SHIFTED UP BY 1) ARE SPECIFIED AT C X(J). THE DATA FOR THE HB-INTERPOLATION PROBLEM IS C ENTERED IN THE ARRAY Y. Y(I,J) SHOULD CONTAIN THE C VALUE ASSIGNED TO THE IM(I,J)-1 ST DERIVATIVE OF C THE SPLINE EVALUATED AT X(J). THE PARAMETERS C C AND IDET ARE OUTPUT OF GSF. AFTER EXECUTION, THE C ARRAY C WILL CONTAIN THE COEFFICIENTS OF THE C SPLINE. IN PARTICULAR, THE COLUMN VECTOR C C(1,J),...,C(2*M,J) CONTAINS THE COEFFICIENTS OF C THE POLYNOMIALS P(J) DESCRIBED BY EQUATIONS (6), C J=1,2,...,N+1. SUBROUTINE GSF CALLS ON SUBROUTINE C INTCON,SMOCON, AND TRISYS WHICH MUST BE LOADED WITH C THE MAIN PROGRAM. [ ... ] FUNCTION GVAL(T, ID, N, M, X, C) REAL T INTEGER ID INTEGER N, M REAL X(N) REAL C(8,N) C INPUT T,ID,N,M,X,C C THE PARAMETERS N,M,X,C ARE AS IN GSF AND C COMPLETELY DESCRIBE THE G-SPLINE. C T IS A REAL NUMBER AND ID A POSITIVE INTEGER. C GVAL PRODUCES THE ID-1 ST DERIVATIVE OF THE SPLINE C AT T. GVAL AUTOMATICALLY PRODUCES 0 IF ID.GT.M*2