Isotope separator
- How to do an In-111 implantation in 20 easy steps
- How to prepare an In-111 source for the isotope separator
- How to mount the ion source onto the isotope separator
- How to get a noble gas beam through the isotope separator
- Beam optics
Directions for operating the isotope separator.
How to do an In-111 implantation in 20 easy steps
- Select an ion source suitable for In-111 implantations:
plasma chamber length 33 mm diameter 28 mm aperture Ø 1 mm quartztube length 90 mm plug length 10 mm outer Ø 3.5 mm hole Ø 1 mm brim length ~2 mm brim Ø 6 mm
- Outgass the source by heating it to 800-1000 °C for 30 min.
- Mount the source onto the source holder and wrap kathode and oven
filaments of tungsten wire:
kathode filament wire diameter 0.5 mm # turns 6 winding diameter 4 mm oven filament wire diameter 0.5 mm # turns 7 winding diameter 7 mm
- Load the ion source with InCl3 in the B-laboratory.
- Mount the source holder onto the separator.
- Fix the samples and the calibration source to the target turn-table and
mount the turn-table onto the target section.
- Adjust the horizontal and vertical width of the target slits to the sample
dimensions. Set beam deflection and the target sweep voltages to 0 V.
- Check the window of the SCA. Set the lower level just above the noise and
set the window to integral when the target section is not contaminated.
Otherwise, set a window that includes only the 171 keV and 245 keV
gamma-peaks and limit the counting rate to about 100 counts/μCi by
inserting proper lead shielding.
- Calibrate the NaI detector using the In-111 reference source.
- Start up the computer system, the cooling system and the power supplies of
the ion source.
- Outgass the ion source by heating it to about 450 °C for 1 h.
- Start the machine using a noble gas. Keep the power dissipation low,
i.e. Vanode = 50 V and Ianode < 0.5 A.
- Adjust the beam optical elements to In-115
(see Beam_optics).
- Crank up the ion source to an In-115 current of about 200 nA and optimize
the beam current on the dummy target.
- Put the In-115 beam in 'Faraday cup 1' and tune the position of
the Faraday cup until both the In-115 beam in the cup and the In-113 beam on
'slit 1' are optimal.
- Optimize the In-113 beam on the dummy target and set the desired sweep.
- Close 'valve A4', put the In-113 beam in 'Faraday cup 1', select a sample
to be implanted, determine the gamma background level,
start program control on de computer, and open 'valve A4'
to start the implantation.
- Crank up the ion source to an implantation rate of about 1 μCi/min.
Typical ion source parameters and beam currents for an In-111 implantation are:
anode voltage 35 V anode current 2.00 A coil current 4-6 A oven current 0.5-1.0 A In-115 current (M1) 10 μA In-113 current (M1) 450 nA In-111 current (target) 50 pA
- Write down the target current regularly, in order to enable determination
of the implanted doses afterwards.
- Before implanting the next sample, write down the activity of the current sample, close 'valve A4', select a new sample, write down the background, and re-open 'valve A4'.
Mo heat shields / carbon plug / plasma chamber / ~100 mm / RVS heat shields / quartz tube / kathode filament / oven filament / copper cooling rod / aperture hole
How to prepare an In-111 source for the isotope separator
- Be aware of the fact that you'll be working with some fairly radioactive
material (10 mCi). Wear gloves, be aware of your active and inactive hands,
and don't touch clean places with your active hand.
Keep all the radioactive material behind lead.
- Open the Mallinkrodt can and take out the bottle with radioactive fluid
using some gripping pliers. Remove the cap from the bottle with the aid of
one of the pincers.
- Weigh out ~13 mg InCl3 and put it in a 5 ml beaker.
- Add the active fluid and dry the solution using the hot plate and
air blower until a few drops are left.
- Put the drops in the quartz tube of the ion source using a pipette.
- Wash out the beaker with 1 or 2 drops of demineralized water and
put these drops also in the quartz tube.
- Make a heat shield from aluminium foil and wrap it around the ion source,
leaving only a small opening. Dry the fluid in the tube using a heat lamp
and airblower but make sure that it is not going to boil.
Measure the dose rate in mSv/h at a distance of about 15 cm.
- Put the carbon plug into the quartz tube.
- Put the source holder in the two-way cupboard.
- Make two In-111 sources. Calibrate them using the GeLi detector set-up
(HV = +2500 V). The reference source for the isotope separator should be
no more then ~2 μCi (10-20% of the required sample activity)
in order to prevent too high background counting rates during implantation.
- Perform a wipe test on the floor, and check your hands and feet for contamination.
You don't have to be frantic about an intake of 100 Bq or so, because it adds only about 0.0001% to your natural yearly dose.
How to mount the ion source onto the isotope separator
- Wear gloves and take care not to contaminate the rear part
(from the flange to the electrical connectors) of the source holder.
- Mount the source holder, connect the gas inlet, close the yellow valve, and
open the green valve.
- Connect the roughing pump to the yellow valve outlet and start the pump.
- Open the yellow valve very slowly to prevent the activity from
being sucked out of the quartz tube (keep pressure reading stable at
about 10 mbar).
- Wait until the pressure has dropped to about 0.1 mbar.
Close the yellow valve, turn off the roughing pump and dissconnect the pump.
Close the green valve and open the main valve to the vacuum system.
- Slide the source gently forward to its most extreme position,
then slide it back 1 mm, and stick the metal spacer between the flange and
one of the adjustment bolts.
- Connect the power supply wires to the terminals. Connect the red wire from the anode (blue terminal) to the gas inlet.
How to get a noble gas beam through the isotope separator
- Start the machine.
- Switch on the source cooling and hold the green button for about 30 s to
prevent the circulation pump from shutting off again on the flow detection switch.
- Check that all settings of the power supplies for the ion sources are set
to zero and then switch on the 1:1 transformer of the ion source section.
- Check the pressure in the gas reservoir (> 100 mbar),
wait a minute or so for the needle valve to close, and then open
the electromagnetic valve switch of the gas reservoir.
- Outgass a new source for 1 h at ~450 °C.
- Switch on the source cooling and hold the green button for about 30 s to
prevent the circulation pump from shutting off again on the flow detection switch.
- Start the source.
- Switch on the servo control of the needle valve. Turn the dial to 4.0.
- Set the current of the source magnet to ~2 A.
- Turn up the filament current slowly to 16.5-17.0 A.
- Set the anode voltage to 50 V.
- Set the anode current to 0.5 A. Make sure that the power supply limits
on the voltage. It may take about an hour before the preset current is reached.
This is due to further outgassing of the chamber walls which
distorts the plasma formation.
- Keep an eye on the anode current, because it tends to rise rapidly as soon
as optimum ionisation conditions have been established:
p = 0.0001 to 0.01 mbar T > 600 °C
In case that the power supply is set to limit the ionisation potential, you can control the anode current through the filament current (sensitive !). - As soon as you have a stable plasma, you can set the parameters to the optimum values (which depends on the particular isotope).
- Switch on the servo control of the needle valve. Turn the dial to 4.0.
- Source operation.
Two modes of source operation are available:
- fixed anode voltage
- fixed anode current
Which mode is the best depends on the temperature dependence of the plasma 'resistance' R.
- ðR/ðT < 0
- i.e. a higher temperature leads to a better conduction of the plasma,
which is the general case. In this case it is best to fix the anode current
because it ensures that ðP/ðT < 0,
i.e. the power-temperature feedback is negative.
To maintain a sufficiently large ionization potential
(Vanode > 30 V), one should adjust from time to time
the filament current.
- ðR/ðT > 0
- This situation only occurs when the quartz tube is filled with solid material
and additional oven heating is applied. The behaviour is due to the feedback
between the source temperature and the vapour pressure of the material in the oven.
If we fix the plasma current like in the previous case, we have the following chain of reactions:an increase of the source temperature => an increase of the oven temperature => an increase of the source pressure => an increase of the plasma resistance => an increase of anode power => an increase of source temperature
For oven currents larger than 2-3 A the feedback tends to be larger than one, in which case one is forced to put more and more power into the plasma to keep it going.
Since this leads to an unstable situation, the best thing to do is to fix the anode voltage.
- Getting the beam on 'focus 1'.
- Take the ground pokers from the source section and from
the power supply cabinet. Check if the soft-landing set-up is connected to
the source section. Make sure that you have closed both doors (safety switches).
Put 'Faraday cup 1' into the beam-line.
- Switch on all the power supplies: high voltage, magnets, quadrupole lenses,
beam profile monitors, NIM bins, position stabilizers, scope, and the pA-meter.
Switch the position stabilisation to M (monitor).
Switch the pA-meter to monitor 1.
- Set the current for bending 'magnet 1' (see figure 1).
- Turn up the HV slowly to ~50 kV. Keep an eye on the current meter of
the HV power supply and the pirani of the source section
(PE21) (HV discharges !).
- Adjust the HV until the right mass peak is at the centre of the scope display.
- Optimize the beam using 'quadrupole lens 1' (Q1) (use scoop image),
'vertical deflection 1' (V1), the current of the source coil, and the HV.
Don't touch the horizontal deflection, since it is set to correct for the
wringing field of bending 'magnet 1'. Approximate values for Q1 and V1
can be found in section Beam_optics.
Note that for large ion beams (5-10 μA) the quadrupole voltages must be much larger. However, the voltage ratio Q1+Q2/Q3+Q4 should remain roughly the same.
- Take the ground pokers from the source section and from
the power supply cabinet. Check if the soft-landing set-up is connected to
the source section. Make sure that you have closed both doors (safety switches).
Put 'Faraday cup 1' into the beam-line.
- Getting the beam on 'focus 2'.
- Move 'Faraday cup 1' out and move 'monitor 2' into the beam-line.
- Switch the pA-meter to klepje 1 and the position stabilisation
to S (slit).
- Optimize the beam on the slit by using only the HV. Check the current on
the slit (secondory electron suppression M1).
- Set the current of bending 'magnet 2' (see figure 2) and open the slit.
Switch the pA-meter to monitor 2.
- Optimize the beam by varying M2, Q2, V2, HV. The beam current should be 10-20% larger than that on 'monitor 1'. Check Q1 and V1 again, if necessary. Do not change H2, since it is directly related to H1.
- Move 'Faraday cup 1' out and move 'monitor 2' into the beam-line.
- Getting the beam on 'focus 4' (target section).
- Open 'valve D7' and 'valve D4'.
- Switch pA-meter to monitor A4.
- Set the current of M3 (see figure 3).
- Optimize the beam current by varying M3, V3, Q3 and Q4. The current should be approximately the same as on 'monitor 1'. If not, redo your job up to this point.
- Open 'valve D7' and 'valve D4'.
- Getting the beam on the target.
- At the target section: rotate the turn-table until the test target
is in the beam, set the target slit, check that the -200 V suppressor voltage
is on, set the current switch to pA-meter, and
set both the sweep voltage (left-most position) and the deflection voltage
(middle position) to zero.
- Switch off 'monitor A4'. Optimize the beam current measured with
the digital voltmeter at the target section by varying Q5.
- Check that the beam is nicely centred on the target by playing around with the target deflection voltages. If not, correct this with the deflection plates V1,V2,V3,H3 or redo your job.
- At the target section: rotate the turn-table until the test target
is in the beam, set the target slit, check that the -200 V suppressor voltage
is on, set the current switch to pA-meter, and
set both the sweep voltage (left-most position) and the deflection voltage
(middle position) to zero.
Beam optics
In-115 settings for the target section, for 50 kV acceleration voltage.element dial setting optimize Magn #1 435 var Magn #2 545 var Magn #3 770 var Hor #1 520 fix Hor #2 -425 fix Hor #3 < 50 var Vert #1 0 var Vert #2 250 var Vert #3 80 var Quad #1a 700 fix Quad #1b 1370 var Quad #2 770 var Quad #3 1900 fix Quad #4a 1850 var Quad #4b 1550 var Quad #5 1300 var Quad #6 850 var