Auger spectrometer
- Position target at the measuring position.
- Start data-acquisition set-up.
- Cables, cables and cables.
- Power supply of the electron gun.
- Power supply of the multiplier.
- Scan generator.
- Measure elastic peak.
- Measure full Auger spectrum (0 - 1000 eV)
- Analyze an Auger spectrum.
- Save an Auger spectrum.
Directions for using the Auger spectrometer at the soft-landing set-up.
Position target at the measuring position.
- Put the crystal in the target holder of the flow cryostat.
Move the target up. At the correct position, the bayonet of
the bayonet catch is precisely centred with respect to the CMA.
- Move the CMA to ~5 mm from the crystal surface.
- Switch the input of the current integrator to ground.
Start data-acquisition set-up.
- Switch Olivetti M24 on.
- Start programm CONTROL by typing the following commands:
cd \cntr control
- Switch BIN crate on.
- On the timing filter amplifier (TFA), select integration time '100 ns',
differentiation time '100 ns', and set the amplification to the maximum value.
- Turn the lower-level of the constant-fraction discriminator (CFD) to the minimum value.
Cables, cables and cables.
- Connect the output of the electron gun to input filt
of the CMA.
- Connect output entrees balayage
to input defl of the CMA.
- Connect output foc. to input foc of the CMA.
Terminate output grill with 50 ohm.
- Connect output analyser modulated hv to the multimeter.
- Connect output programmed hv
to input cyl ext of the CMA.
- Connect the 10 kV high-voltage supply to the multiplier.
- Connect the energy output of the multiplier
to the input of the pre-amplifier,
connect the output of the pre-amplifier to the input of the TFA,
and power the pre-amplifier from the rear of the TFA (9-pins D plug).
- Connect the output of the TFA to the input of the CFD via an oscilloscope.
- Connect DAC 0 to the '100V' input of the KEPCO.
- Connect the TTL output of the CFD to logic gate in (terminate the coax cabel with 50 ohm at the input of the gate), connect logic gate out to sca 0, and connect clk on to ext gate. Put the gate switch in position ext.
Power supply of the electron gun.
- Switch filament stabilisation to Ie.
Turn emission to zero. Set switch in position AES.
Turn primary high voltage to zero.
- Switch 220 V on with the green toggle switch.
Switch the high voltage on with the red toggle switch on the left side.
- Select measuring point Ep. Turn the high voltage to -3.0 kV.
- Select measuring point filament and CHECK WHETHER EMISSION IS ZERO. Switch filament supply on with the red toggle switch on the right side. CAREFULLY increase the emission to 1.8 A.
Power supply of the multiplier.
- Turn the high voltage to zero.
- Switch 220 V on with the red toggle switch.
Switch the high voltage on with the white toggle switch.
- Turn the high voltage to +3.5 kV.
Scan generator.
- Switch 220 V on with the green toggle switch.
Switch the high voltage on with the red toggle switch.
- Select measuring point Ecma.
Wait half a minute before turning the scan voltage to -1500 V.
- Look for pulses on the oscilloscope.
Measure elastic peak.
- To import the proper CONTROL settings,type command
xct set_aes\ep
- Check whether DAC0 is connected to the '100V' input of the KEPCO.
Turn the scan voltage to 2950 V.
- Start the measurement by typing command
- Use key F10 to toggle from alpha-numeric to
graphics display mode. Display spectrum by typing command
ldis 0 0 50
Move 'marker 3' to the right spectrum using the keys UpArrow/DnArrow. Move 'marker 3' to channel #25 using the keys LftArrow/RgtArrow. - Adjust the position of the CMA until the primary peak is in channel #25. Optimize the peak shape by varying the voltages of x and y deflections, Wehnelt and focus.
Measure full Auger spectrum (0-1000 eV)
- To import the proper CONTROL settingsype, type command
xct set_aes\1000
- Connect DAC0 to the '1000V' input of the KEPCO.
- Adjust the emission current such that the counting rate is
< 105 counts/s at a scan voltage of 1000 V.
- Turn the scan voltage to zero.
- Reset the spectrum by typing command
res 0
and start the measurement withsin
- Stop the measurement gracefully with command
set swp 1
Data acquisition will stop at the end of the current scan.
Analyze an Auger spectrum.
- Calculate the derivative dN/dE by typing command
diff 0 1 smooth
Larger values of parameter smooth improve statistics, but increase the line width. In general 10 is a good choice. - Display the result with command
ldis 1 1 scl -100 100
Adjust the scale with the keys +/-. - CONTROL command
will do the rest. For further details, typehelp auger
Save an Auger spectrum.
- Open a new data file by typing command
open 1 auger/run nnn
where nnn is a new unique identification number. - Write nnn plus details of the sample in the Auger lab-book.
- Reset run number with command
run 1 label
where label is a brief description of the sample (e.g.InCu(001)).
- Write spectrum to disk with command
wrt 0 2
- Eventually, transfer Auger spectrum to the unix cluster for archiving.